[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Challenge 212 - "It's tempting."

Title: It's tempting
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Challenge: #212 - temptation
Word count: 108
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Remus; Severus; Hermione; Harry.
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP characters and settings.

"Ever noticed how every man Remus is interested is dark-haired and skinny, with a big nose?"

"Oh, yes," replied Hermione.

"I wonder why."

"Oh Harry, isn't it obvious?"

"Do you really think...?"


"But every man Snape is interested in looks nothing like Remus, no resemblance at all. As though he's deliberately choosing some-one different."

"I know," Hermione said sadly.

"But that's not fair... I mean it's like Snape doesn't care."

"Oh, he cares. Remus only wants some-one if he's reminded of Severus, as though Severus is the very shape of his desire. But Severus can't want a man if he's reminded of Remus, it hurts him too much."

"Think we should do something?"

"It's tempting."


Oooh! Yes, kids, do something about it. :)
Nice take on the prompt. *g*
Thank you!
It was fun to write a snupin from the perspective of outside characters.
Think we should do something?
Mmm, banging their heads together does rather spring to mind...

Very nice! :D
Banging something together, anyway.
Thank you!
matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match!! *g*
Thanks for sharing!!
But how??? How do people (successfully) match-make? I want to write the next bit, and I can't think of anything. I'm the sort of person whose rl matchmaking would consist of "I think he fancies you, you know," or "God, you've fancied him for years.... DO something."
*wanders off to read match-making fics*
Thank you!
Perhaps tickets to an exclusive rare book auction? Or have them both lose a bet to H/H and consequences... speed dating at Madame Puddifoot's. I am twisted! *g*
Great ideas! Thanks!
Mmmm this is so rife with possibilities! But I also like how each man is handling his unrequited love. Interesting! *HUGS* Thank you!

love, lore
Thank you!
Yup, the kids should do something. Awesome!