[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Challenge 212 - "No Temptation"

Title: No Temptation
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Challenge: #212 - temptation
Word count: 109
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP characters and setttings.

"I know how much you'd like children. Isn't it tempting, with that pink-haired slut
willing to do anything for you?"

"I'd rather be with you. There is no temptation. Not while I love you."


Gritting his teeth against the relentless images his mind threw at him, Remus thrust harder. Images of Severus, flushed and sweaty, eyes dark and lips parted in arousal; images of Severus pointing his wand as Albus plummeted from the Astronomy Tower.

He thrust deeper, harder, wishing he could lose himself in Dora's soft thighs and moist warmth, could exorcise this love for Severus. Wished Severus could see him now, the image hurting Severus, as he was hurting.

Maybe we could have children, Remus thought.


No! Don't accept it! It was just a psychotic break. ;)
Not accept it, accept it!! But accept that the marriage-thing may really have occurred, Teddy is Lupin's son etc. I was in total denial - no, the marriage was a ruse, the baby was Charlie's, Bill's, that horny fiend Moody's - whoever's. Now I can accept that the marriage-thing may really have happened.
I just couldn't figure out why. Maybe wanting to hurt Severus, maybe temporary insanity? The whole betrayal thing?
But not accept it as the relationship Lupin wanted, or was into, or that he loved Tonks - I mean that's even in DH, Tonks glowing, and Lupin looking more miserable than when Sirius died. I'm just a snupin-lover at heart.