[info]red_day_dawning in [info]snupin100

Challenge 211: Tea and Sympathy

Title: Tea and Sympathy
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Prompt: challenge 211 - tea and sympathy
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: JKR owns recognizable HP characters & settings.

“Used to call me his Lil, he did. I was his one true love. I used to beg him to careful, but Sevie said seeing me was worth all the risks. He’d come to me at night, enemies one step behind him…”

Severus stabbed his wand towards the voice; the Wireless coughed, and then was abruptly silent.

“Old friend of yours, Severus?”

“Never met her in my life,” Severus answered.

“Cup of tea, then?”

“Is that your idea of making me feel better? Tea and sympathy?”

“Did you have something else in mind?” Lupin asked, his smile sharpening.

“Bed. Now.”


Of course Remus will make him feel better. Very nice
I know that I'd feel better! *g* Thanks for commenting.
Poor "Sevie"! I'm sure that woman was lying. *cough*
At least Remus will make it all better. *g*
At least Remus will make it all better - in the way he knows best! Thanks for commenting!
Aw, lovely! *hugs Severus*
Thank you!