[info]lore in [info]snupin100

#200: For All Intents and Purposes, PG13

Title: All Intents and Purposes
Word Count: 200 x 2
Rating: PG13
Challenge: #200, The Stages of Love
Characters: Remus/Severus
Author's Notes: Concrit welcomed, as well as any other comments. Extra thanks to [info]scribbulus_ink for additional and needed prompting! And thanks for letting us be late, Cordy!

Severus only accepted Remus' dinner invitation because the Ministry had decided his pension was forfeit in the face of his freedom. Building a business for an unknown potions practitioner took time and money, and Severus had not enough of either. A free meal on the Ministry's galleons, even if he had to suffer a feckless ex-lover's company, sounded particularly mouth-watering.

"Thank you for coming out with me-" Cutting Remus off, Severus began ordering before they had even finished sitting.

"I want the largest steak you have, medium rare, with wilted spinach and mushrooms, a large salad, and you will come back with the dessert cart." The waiter frantically wrote on his notepad and then darted away for drinks, forgetting Remus in his hurry to accommodate the demanding man.

"Severus, that's the most I've seen you order, ever!"

The dark man looked up with a steely glint in his eye, prepared for a fight. "Do you have a problem with it, Lupin?"

Remus sat back and smirked, the edge of one long incisor slipping past his lower lip as he looked over Severus' form from head to toe. "No. I always liked you best with a little meat on your arse."

Remus only invited Severus out because he hadn't felt alive since his resurrection, and he regretted the mess he'd landed in after Dumbledore's death that had kept him away from his love for so long. Dinner had been tense, but he'd managed to cajole Severus into a post-meal drink by promising that the pub didn't serve Scotch aged less than 25 years.

Severus sat in the booth across from Remus, smelling of iron and anger, and Remus despaired of ever winning a second chance. When their drinks came, Severus held his up, a sneer curling his upper lip. "To your wife."

Raising his eyebrows in surprise, Remus firmly intoned, "To Dora. She was never my wife."

Severus choked on his swallow. "You had a child with her!"

"She had a child with Dawlish! I was their cover since mine was blown."

When Severus stood, Remus was sure his hopes were dashed for good. When Severus moved around the table and lunged, grabbing him by the lapels, Remus thought dying would be a good way to end his misery. It was only when Severus slanted his mouth over Remus' and licked his way inside that Remus knew his heart had started beating again.

love, lore


I love bastard!Severus and Remus having a bit of an edge I always liked you best with a little meat on your arse! Severus smelling of anger and iron was perfect as was the hopeful endng!!
*HUGS* Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! I really appreciate knowing what worked!

love, lore
Love it!
Love YOU! So sorry I missed your birthday earlier this week, but it sounds like you're having a memorable year, regardless. *grin*


love, lore
Reading it again! Yes my favorite lines are the meat on ass and Severus smelled of Iron and anger. OH my god, I love that imagery!

Oh not to forget fanged remus!!!!!!!
Swoon, this is very very nice!
*HUGS* Thank you so much! Your support is always measureless in value to me! <3 I'm glad you liked it!

love, lore
Aw, that was great, hon! :D
Thank you! And thank you again for the extension. I needed it. ;)

Also, I don't think I have an author tag over here on IJ. O_O Did I really go that long between drabbles? Anyway, no rush!


love, lore
You're welcome,hon :D

Oooh, don't you? *goes to fix that now*