[info]cordeliadelayne in [info]snupin100

End of Challenge 200

And the 200th challenge is at an end!! Huge thank you to everyone who has participated, be that in the form of drabbles or simply commenting.

Give me a couple of minutes to double check the stats and I'll edit this post to let you know who's won! *g*

ETA: And we have a clear winner: [info]nimrod_9 with 6 drabbles at the IJ community. Well done!

I should be able to post your personalised banner and icons/banners for all the participants later tonight.

And since this is all about celebrating, if anyone missed the deadline but fancies posting their drabbles, go ahead!


*headdesk* And I was the one resolutely declaring I would join, and ended up not joining. Congratulations to [info]nimrod_9! :D