August 22nd, 2017

[info]sonnerie in [info]snitchers

A Wireless Transmission Interrupting Regular Programs


Hello ladies and gentlewizards! Do not adjust your wireless, because this is something you need to hear.

My name is 'Pendragon', and this is

We've been silent for a while now. Some of you may have forgotten all about us. Some of you might never have heard the voice of the free radio station that acted as a small light in the darkness of You-Know-Who's reign. For a while now we thought we weren't needed, that the bad times had passed and the world had become a better place. Unfortunately it looks like we were wrong. The Knights have assembled and Potterwatch has returned to bring you important information!

Not very long ago, not nearly long enough to be considered history, there was a group of witches and wizards that proudly called themselves Snatchers. These vile people patrolled the country looking for Muggle-borns that had avoided capture. They'd hunt them, hurt them, and drag them away to Azkaban prison if they didn't kill them first. We all know what went on in that terrible place, though we don't much like to talk about it do we?

It's nice to forget about the horrible things of the past. I for one don't like dwelling on them, but I'm here right now to tell you that there's a difference between letting a memory fade, and painting over it to pretend it's gone away entirely.

The Snatchers haven't stopped listeners. They've simply changed their name. It's a pretty name, but deep down it means the same thing.

Even now as I say this they're roaming the country hunting for people that disagree with the Ministry. They're tearing innocents away from their homes, from their families and from their freedom. They might be singing to a different tune, but the words are the same.

Now I'm sure you're thinking 'Pendragon you're crazy, they're nothing alike!' but how wrong am I really? Tell me this, dear listener. If you disagreed with something the Ministry puts in place tomorrow, would you risk speaking out against it? Or do you think the Snatchers would come a'knocking at your door?

I think I might know the answer...

This is Pendragon speaking for Potterwatch, and I'm signing off. Remember, keep each other safe. Keep faith.

[info]badgered in [info]snitchers

Who: Susan Bones and Ron Weasley, Open to Draco Malfoy
When: Tuesday, August 22nd, Late
Where: Heaven in Devon (Their House)
What: A very big conversation.
Rating: Low

Let go of your attachment to being right and suddenly your mind is more open. )

June 2018



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