February 7th, 2013

[info]noseinbook in [info]snitched_rpg

Owl Post to Edward Fawcett

Dear Eddie,

I am very sorry that I won't get to see you for some time, but I couldn't let my friend sit in prison. Every day she was losing herself more and more and I couldn't allow that to happen. I still believe in the Ministry and I still have faith that they will adhere to their laws one day again, but for now it's clear that they've lost their way.

Being sent away scares me, but I suppose living in an world of injustice and unfairness scares me more. Ronnie isn't as strong as she pretends to me, you know. Will you look after her? I'd be awfully cross if she got herself caught again after all the trouble I went through to free her. Promise me that you're not going to let her get in trouble.

I left Mum and Dad a letter as well explaining why I've done all of this. And I've arranged to have my flat packed up and my belongings stored. It's hard to guess when this war when end, but I do hope it is soon. I'm scared of Azkaban. Who wouldn't be? I know people don't think I'm very strong, but I think I can survive this.

I love you. You're my favorite brother. And I will miss you very much. Please do me one more favor. Don't do anything rash. This was my decision and I will pay the consequences of my actions, whatever they may be. Also, I've enclosed my wand with this letter. I would hate for it to be snapped. Please keep it hidden and safe and, if for some reason I never reclaim it, please keep it for Tegan. Tell her that I love her very much, more than anything and that I'll see her soon. I hope I'll see her soon.

Love always,
