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Jan. 2nd, 2010


The Reveals: The 2009 Round Masterlist!

*drumroll* Here's the reveals! You can now see who wrote/drew for you. Please make sure you've left a comment for your gift since someone took the time to create something for you. :D

You may now repost your fic and art on your journal/archive/site. If you are posting your fic on your own journal or archive and want us to link to your journal/site for future readers, we're happy to do that. For long fic and art especially, we're encouraging you to send us new links either to your journal or an archive. We encourage everyone to go to Walking the Plank. :D You may comment to the masterlist with new links or email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com.

Over the next few days, I'll be adding in all the author/artist names on IJ/LJ/DW.

On the masterlist below, I've used everyone's IJ names unless you've told me otherwise. If you are known by something else on LJ and want that name included as well, don't be shy, and let me know. :) Additionally, if there are any mishaps with the masterlist, speak up.

Without further ado!

The 2009 Masterlist )


Waxing nostalgic and offering gratitude

The third round of [info]snarry_holidays has officially come to a close! In a little over an hour, we'll post the final masterlist so you can finally see who wrote/drew for you. :) I've really enjoyed this round and it was especially wonderful getting to know some newer authors and artists, as well as seeing some familiar folks again. ♥

Thank you so much to everyone who participated as an author or an artist. We had a surprising number of dropouts this year, and thus there was a lot of under-the-wire regifting taking place. Thanks for everyone who was so supportive about allowing us to regift and working with us. We're especially grateful for those people who got their gifts in on time. ♥ Thank you to the pinch-hitters who stepped in: [info]countesszero, who came in early on and was worked into the fest; [info]ivylady, who generously allowed us to gift her pinch-hit to the comm; and [info]psyfic, who stepped in at the last minute and was an absolute dream. ♥ Everyone's patience, perseverance and enthusiasm has been lovely.

[info]jin_fenghuang volunteered this year to let us use her website for hosting longer fic and art. She helped with modding duties and spent many hours conquering the beast that is html and coding. She participated in the fest herself and has left many wonderful comments. Thank you so much, dear. You've been an absolute rockstar.

[info]chiralove is always a fabulous co-mod and can be counted on for support in handling frustrating situations and effectively proofreading long fics at superhuman speed. *hugs tight* You deserve many martinis and chocolate and Snarry porn!

[info]carpet_diemon also co-modded with us this year, helping in the arduous task of matching assignments, as well as answering emails and proofreading, even with injured hands! Thank you so much for your diligent work, hon!

[info]elethian saved our collectives asses by helping to proofread many stories. She was thorough and fast as lightning. Thank you so, so much.

Thank you to [info]sev1970 for providing the coding for the first round-up and for her incredible enthusiasm.

To everyone who has commented and rec'd (and provided us recs), I can't promise you my firstborn - because I have no intentions to have squabbling children (one could say I'm hardwired like Snape in this way *g*) - but I can thank you profusely, so: THANK YOU!!!

Anyone else I have forgotten: thank you! Feel free to kick my ass. *g*

Everyone made this such a lovely round: thank you so much. There will be some last admin-y notes with the masterlist about posting and hosting your fic offsite, etc. :)

*kisses and Snarry cheer*

Jan. 1st, 2010


Last notes :)

Hi everyone,

With great apologies, I've finally posted the last Weekly Wrap-Up. :) There are links to the first two, as well, if there's any last minute reading you want to do. The reveals will go up tomorrow at 3pm ET, along with some thank-yous. After then you may post your own fic on your journal and make thank-yous, etc.

We will still be collecting recs for the Snitch, so if you happen to make any after the reveals (or have recently), let me know. :) If you have anything to ask or bring up, you can email us at snarryholiday at gmail dot com.

Thank you everyone so, so much for making this a wonderful round. We wish everyone a Happy New Year, and hope that you will continue Snarry-ing. *g*

[info]bewarethesmirk, on behalf of the [info]snarry_holidays mods


Weekly Wrap-Up: Week Three

Weekly Wrap-Up: Week Three

If there are any errors, please let me know! :)

Art )

Fic )

If you missed the previous wrap-ups, here: Week One, and Week Two.

Dec. 26th, 2009


That concludes posting!

Now all the gifts have been posted, unless I've overlooked something. *g*

Please email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com if there are any issues.

I'll be posting a Weekly Wrap-Up tonight and tomorrow a masterlist of all the fics/art will go up. Everyone will remain anonymous until the final masterlist is posted on January 2. Until then, please remain anon. Don't answer comments or hint at someone's identity until we're done. :) We want people to have time to catch up a bit.

Remember to let us know if you've made any recs or seen any. :) You're welcome to comment with those on this post or email us.

Thanks so much for everyone's participation! This has been a great round and a privilege to mod. ♥

Dec. 19th, 2009


The obligatory mod post ;-)

I hope everyone's enjoying the holiday season and/or the snow. ♥ But I especially hope you're enjoying the fest! We have a couple of surprise gifts, so the fest will be running a bit longer than we anticipated - probably until Christmas Day itself. We will wait about a week for reveals so that everyone has a chance to catch up. :)

A quick reminder to continue leaving feedback! If you rec something (fic or art), please tell us in this post. :) I've been able to send some recs over to the Snitch. Thanks for those that have been sharing links.

And lastly, we have already posted the gift for [info]thesewarmstars called Speak Low If You Speak of Love. For some reason, however, the HTML is being recalcitrant despite all our collective efforts. Therefore, we're going to re-post the fic the old-fashioned way on IJ/LJ/DW. Sorry to spam your flists, but perhaps this way the HTML will come out correctly. :) It's a great fic. There will be a new fic posted later on tonight - a gift for everyone!

Dec. 17th, 2009


Posting Break

We're ahead of schedule so there will be no more gifts posted today. Posting will resume tomorrow morning as usual. You can take this time to play catch up. :D


Dec. 16th, 2009


A quick PSA!

Hi everyone!

I hope you're continuing to enjoy the fest! I just wanted to take a moment to encourage anyone with any suggestions, comments or recommendations to send an email to snarryholiday [at] gmail [at] com. Additionally, if you have found any of the warnings, on a piece of fic or art, to not be adequate or accurate, please let us know by emailing us. :)


Dec. 13th, 2009


[info]snarry_holidays Wrap-Up: Week Two

Thank you everyone who has been leaving comments! ♥ Also, thanks for anyone who has been making recs or leaving them. If you see or make any, please remember to leave them at our recs post.

If anyone has any questions or comments, please send them to snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com.

If you see any wrong links or mistakes, flog me let me know. ;-)
- [info]bewarethesmirk

Weekly Wrap-Up: Week Two

Art )

Fic )

If you missed last week's weekly wrap-up, the Week One round-up is here.

Dec. 10th, 2009



Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, earlier I accidentally posted the wrong fic (we accidentally gifted the same person twice!) I've taken that one down, and we'll be posting it again in the future. :)

My sincerest apologies.

bewarethesmirk/[info]snarry_holidays mods

Dec. 7th, 2009


A few quick notes!

We hope everyone has been enjoying the fest so far! Thanks so much for everyone who has been leaving such kind comments. We'd love to see even more comments, so that the wonderful authors and artists get love and to spread the Snarry cheer. ♥ So commenting and reccing are very, very welcome. If you make a rec for anything (fic or art) in the fest and/or see a rec, please leave a comment here or email us. :)

If anyone missed the Week One Wrap-Up post, it's here.

If anyone has any suggestions or questions so far, please email us (snarryholiday at gmail dot com) or leave a comment here. And, just FYI, our submissions have balanced out so that we'll be posting twice a day regularly (at 10am and 9pm EST, if you haven't already surmised *g*).

We hope everyone is enjoying all the great fests, the promise of snow (whether in real form or v-gift form), and the holiday season!

- [info]snarry_holidays mods

Dec. 6th, 2009


[info]snarry_holidays Wrap-Up: Week One

Before I'd even started making a weekly wrap-up for this week, the lovely [info]sev1970 had beaten me to it. I've altered some of her original formatting, but much credit goes to her for the hard, dirty work. ;-) Thanks, hon!

Weekly Wrap-Up: Week One

Art )

Fic )

Dec. 1st, 2009


Recs Collection Post

This year [info]snarry_holidays will be collecting links to send into the HP newsletter, the [info]daily_snitch, for both Hot Art and Hot Recs. Fic and art need three recs to qualify (can be posted on IJ, LJ, DW, or JF) and must not be locked. If you see or make any recs for any of this round's gifts, please leave them in the comments on this post. The mods will be on the lookout, too, but we might miss something!

Thanks for your help!



For many people it's a stressful (if lovely) time of year, and [info]snarry_holidays is ready to insert that special bit of Snarry into your holiday season. ;-) We'll kick start our posting tonight at 9pm EST, so please stick around if you can!

Some notes before we begin:

-- We will start posting today (yay!) December 1, and posting will run until December 23. [info]snarry_holidays will be posting this year at InsaneJournal, LiveJournal, and Dreamwidth. You may comment to any of the sites, though commenting on IJ is encouraged, if possible.

-- With around 60 submissions, we will be posting an average of two gifts per day (a mix of fic and art, of course) with several days of three gifts. We will do our best to space out long fics so that everyone doesn't become too overwhelmed.

-- If you are participating and you have an extension, please keep us updated and get your gift to us ASAP. If we have not heard from you at all, you might be in trouble! *waves modly stick*

-- Thanks so much to [info]elethian, who has agreed to help us proofread!

-- Please remember that feedback and comments are very much encouraged. That being said, please attempt to keep your comments cordial. We know people have strong feelings about Snarry and writing, fic and art, but please play nicely (i.e. no flaming, say something constructive). If you have any questions about what this might constitute, email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com. We'll be reading all the comments.

-- We're going to be collecting recs for [info]daily_snitch, so please send us links to your fic and art recs! We're collecting the recs at this post, on IJ. Fic and art need three recs (not locked) to qualify.

-- Please spread the word!

We hope everyone enjoys the all the lovely Snarry coming in the next few weeks! Thanks to all the hard work on behalf of the participants!

Nov. 11th, 2009


Reminder: submissions due Nov 16!

This is a friendly reminder that all gifts are due to us Monday, November 16, unless you are pinch-hitting or have already requested an extension. If you need an extension or think you might, please email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com.

We are here to answer any questions you might have!

Oct. 10th, 2009


Posting templates!

Hi everyone! In a month and a little under a week (Nov 16!) your assignments are due.

When submitting your fic or art, please include this header with the document.



If you have any questions about the templates or about your assignment, email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com or comment below.

Sep. 16th, 2009


Call for Pinch-hitters!

Hey everyone! We've already had some people express interest in pinch-hitting -- well, now is your chance to sign-up. We'll definitely need some back-up writers and artists on hand, as we'll undoubtedly have a few drop-outs during the course of the fest. Hopefully all of our artists and writers are busily and happily working on their creations for this holiday, but real life crises do crop up. If you do have to drop out, we'd appreciate it if you let us know as soon as possible.

Those who are worked into the fest within the next few weeks will become full participants (who will both write/draw a customized gift and receive one), so if you missed your chance to sign-up but would still like to participate, you may still have a chance if there are any early assignment problems/drop-outs.

Please fill out the form completely, including a working e-mail address. Thank you all in advance. We love our pinch-hitters! :)

If anyone is interested in betaing, we still need beta volunteers. Go sign-up here!

Pinch-hitter Sign Up Form

Sep. 13th, 2009


Beta sign-ups!

If you are a beta and would like to volunteer your services for our lovely participants, this is the place to do it - please fill out the following form to indicate your availability and what you are willing to beta. Our deadline this year is Nov 16. If you're a participant in search of a beta, please pay attention to the betas' specifications and choose one appropriate for your work - and give them plenty of notice, too!

If there are any questions about betaing or if you're a participant in need of a beta, email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com.


Sep. 8th, 2009



Hi everyone.

There are still a few people who haven't confirmed their assignments. I've just sent out emails to everyone we haven't heard from. If you've not received an assignment, please let us know ASAP.

We'll give it a day or so, and then we'll post a list of the people we've not yet heard from. At some point in the near future, we'll have to assume you've dropped out, so please get in touch with us.

On that note, if anyone has run into any problems or just has questions for us, shoot an email over to snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com.

Thanks, again, to everyone for participating, and we hope you have fun creating your gifts.

Sep. 6th, 2009


A Reminder to Our Lovely Participants!

If you haven't already done so, please send us a quick email to let us know you've received your assignment.

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January 2010




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