April 29th, 2019



WHO: Captain Jack Harkness & OPEN
WHAT: Jack's arrival
WHERE: Town Square
WHEN: Monday morning
RATING: Jack is also best at a PG-13 for starters!

Jack gasped and flailed as he came back to life. )

Who: Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes
What: I have an emotional bomb, you have an emotional bomb, everybody's got an emotional bomb!
When: A day or so after Natasha's arrival.
Where: A walk in the woods.
Rating: Moderate, maybe some swearing! Also BIG WARNINGS FOR ENDGAME SPOILERS.

I remember everything. )



WHO: Dick Grayson, Clark Kent
WHAT: Catching a falling bird
WHEN: 29 April
RATING: Low, probably. Will update if needed.

I picked you up and put you back on solid ground )