March 2nd, 2020



If anyone sees a fluffy white cat coming toward you - could you let me know immediately? Because you're probably about to--

Her name's Azzie. She's in the house with me now but she kind of comes and goes as she pleases. She's something of a special cat and given the nature of what she does she likely won't bother anyone but just in case, I thought I'd put the notice out there.

Isn't there some saying about music making people come together? Wait, pretty sure that's a Madonna lyric. Anyway.

You know what's fun? When we all hang out in a mass setting. You know what else is fun? Karaoke.

So, logic: Get together and sing karaoke.

Residents of Starklandia (also Thortopia?) are all invited to karaoke night hosted by Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy on THURSDAY.

You'll know the time when you start hearing singing. Not from Earth? No worries. All the lyrics to all the songs come up on the screen when you pick one anyway.

Most of us made idiots of ourselves on Valentine's Day already so there shouldn't be any inhibitions about singing at this point, right? Right. Besides, we've got loads of liquid courage to go around.



Message --> Leia

>> What do you make of this karaoke thing?
>> How do you even say that?

>> For the record I'm not singing.