December 25th, 2019



If anyone would like a Christmas orange, let me know and I'll stop by. Don't worry, I won't subject you to my caroling abilities.



For Beverly Marsh )

For Stan Uris )



For Peter B Parker )



Happy whatever day you celebrate or maybe don't celebrate? I guess it's actually Christmas somewhere, so there's that. Sorry Stan.

Anyway. If you're a Loser, prepare to get down tonight Tozier style with a living room dance party. Drinks are a must and dinner is as good as I can make it, okay? Honorary Losers are allowed -- Eddie's teenaged parents, Natasha, Eddie’s Hero, Bill, Dick and Lady Dick, whoever Beverly has adopted since showing up, too.

If you're not a Loser, don't call me in for a noise complaint.
And. Uh. I guess if you're lonely, you can show up and join in.

I ♥ my new records. Bless. Shalom. Pip Pip cheerio!



To Eddie K. )



to john constantine )



To Gamora - From Secret Santa )



Special Delivery to Harry Osborne, from Secret Santa )



Seasons greetings to Klaus Hargreeves! )



Happy Christmas, Octane! )



To Natasha Romanoff; sincerely, your Secret Santa )



A Secret Santa gift for Tony Stark (Young, not Old) )



A Secret Santa gift for Crowley )



A Secret Santa gift for Barbara )



A Secret Santa gift for Aziraphale )



A Secret Santa gift for Thor )



A Secret Santa gift for Loki )



A Secret Santa gift for Steve Rogers )