May 1st, 2019



[Video Post]

[The image of a young woman appears on screen, it’s a holographic image, tinted blue but still it’s clear enough her eyes are bright and focused; determined and hopeful. Hair in a crown braid, her head is held high, with a regal sort of bearing - she means to make an impact on her audience, this is, after all New Republic propaganda.]

This is Leia Organa, last princess of Alderaan, former member of the Galactic Senate, and a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. I have a message for the galaxy. The grip of the Galactic Empire on our galaxy and its citizens is relinquished. The Death Star outside the forest moon of Endor is gone, and with it the Imperial leadership.

The tyrant Palpatine is dead. But the fight isn’t over. The war goes on even as even as the Empire’s power diminishes. But we are here for you. Know that wherever you are, no matter how far out into the Outer Rim you dwell, the New Republic

[Her gaze drifts, eyes narrowing and brows furrowing in a dark look that clouds her expression and stops her mid-sentence. Leia’s taking in her surroundings, a sight that’s enough to kill her broadcast efforts entirely, the image whirls and is buffeted about, as the hand holding the holorecorder falls to her side.

There's a muffled word that might well sound like complete nonsense to anyone outside Leia's galaxy, but the sharp inflection certainly makes it sound like a curse - the holo cuts abruptly.]

[OOC: Hey folks, wanted to try something a little different, basically the holovid she WAS recording on the Falcon comes up as an ‘accidental’ video post on the network – but please feel free to reply by text/whatever – we’ll say she’s found her device on the table by then and will respond via that.]

Anybody missing a cat? I came home to find a very handsome orange furry gentleman on my bed. I didn't know pets were a thing around here - wanted to make sure nobody's missing him. In lieu of that, see if anybody's got a can of tuna laying around or anything.



Does anyone have a cigarette? Or the gum? Anything?