The Severus Snape Newsletter


January 30th, 2009

bethbethbeth @ 10:04 pm: Issue #617: Thursday/Friday, January 29/30, 2009
Hello, and welcome to the latest issue of [info]snapenews. Thank you all for your continuing support and useful links! Feel free to comment (either below or at and let us know how we're doing!


  • Art - some original, much fannish - for sale from [info]littleblackbow over here. Quite a bit of it includes Snape, and even the sold pieces are worth taking a look at!

  • As noted here, stories on the Snupin Santa website can be viewed as single files (i.e., not in chapters), by following a few simple steps.


  • Sign-ups for [info]hp_beholder (the Fic/Art Exchange that focuses on characters traditionally seen as not "appealing" enough to feature in pairings) are open here. Note: Snape is too popular to be on the main list, but he's more than welcome (especially by the Mod, i.e., me *g*) as the partner of whatever character you choose to create art/fic for.

  • This week's challenge on [info]snarry100 is Stormy Weather

  • This week's challenge on [info]quiz_sshg is The SSHG Exchange Art Quiz - Part 1


  • [info]muttoncookies is seeking "Snape-fics where the so-called "Light" is obviously biased agaist Snape and the Slytherins and it comes back to bite them in the you-know-where."


  • The [info]sshp_prophet has been updated for January 24 to 28.
  • [info]hgss_digest has been updated here and here



  • [info]ships_harry drew "Basic charms" (Snape-only and rated R, but Not Work Safe)



  • From [info]trekkiegrrrl: "Engorgio!" (Snape/Harry and definitely Not Work Safe. NC-17)

    DISCLAIMERS: The warnings listed here are those given by the artist/author/poet. Please pay attention to all ratings and warnings when following links.

    We aim to bring you the latest Snape-centric items in the fandom but some might slip through the net! You can help to ensure this doesn't happen by sending us links via email to There are submission guidelines in the [info]snapenews user profile, but for the 'Today in' sections we just require the basic title/creator/rating/warnings/link info.

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