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Dec. 29th, 2011 @ 12:57 am gift fic for leni_jess, Snape/Regulus, pg

Recipient: leni_jess

Author: [info]eeyore9990 &  [info]r_grayjoy
Title: Awkward Advances
Characters: Severus Snape/Regulus Black
Rating: PG
Content Info: *none*
Summary: Regulus never misses an opportunity to bewilder and confuse Severus.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~4,200
Author Notes Happy Holidays, Leni_Jess. Writing this for you was great fun; hope you enjoy it as well.

( Awkward Advances )

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Dec. 26th, 2011 @ 12:58 am gift fic for community, Snape, Eileen, pg, gen-ish

Recipient: snapelyholidays community

Author: odogoddess
Title: Nowt To be Afraid Of
Characters: Severus, Eileen, mentions of Lily & Harry & Albus
Rating: PG
Content Info: *Dimensional theory. Character death. Hint of pre-adolescent love, but could be gen depending on reader bias.*
Summary: If dreams can be nightmares, can nightmares be mere dreams?
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~2,840
Author Notes: Just popped into my head, demanding to be told, so...

( Nowt To be Afraid Of )

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Dec. 24th, 2011 @ 12:28 am gift art for twilightsorcery, Snape/Harry, mild pg, worksafe

Recipient: twilightsorcery

Artist: sealcat
Title: Partnership
Characters: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: very mild PG, worksafe
Media: Markers on paper, photoshop to fix minor errors.
Content Info: *chosen prompt: Snarry as detectives*
Summary: Newest member of Department of Mysteries is taking an interest in one of the senior members.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.
Artist's Notes: Dear twilightsorcery, I used your prompt of Snarry as detectives, but I was not able to use your other hot kinks (Was trying to do desk!sex, but not working at all...), so it is only in PG/Looks like preslash. I hope you might like it :)

click on thumbnail for image

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Dec. 23rd, 2011 @ 03:46 am gift fic for schemingreader, Snape/Lupin, PG

Recipient: schemingreader

Author: bethbethbeth
Title: Bookends
Characters: Snape, Lupin (with some vague hints of future Snape/Lupin)
Rating: PG
Content Info: *Set during Deathly Hallows. Nothing else apart from some 'adult' language*
Summary: In the end, there are no secrets.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~2,020
Author Notes: Written with thanks to Simon and Garfunkel's song "Old Friends/Bookends" for both title and inspiration. And thanks so much to G for the beta! [Special note to schemingreader: another story, completely unrelated, but with the same pairing, will be posted in your honor sometime early in the new year. It's the story I originally started to write for you, but which got out of hand before I could finish.]

( Bookends )

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Dec. 3rd, 2008 @ 02:42 am 3rd Snapely Holidays Fic - Battle Not With Monsters

star with lights
Fic for: [info]janus
Title: Battle Not With Monsters

Pairing Severus Snape/ Lucius Malfoy, Abraxas Malfoy
Rating PG 13
Warnings None
Summary Severus plays Lucius and Abraxas against one another, but will he get caught in the crossfire?

Disclaimer The world of HP and its characters belongs to J K Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count 3213
Author Notes Janus asked for Deatheaters bonding - kindness between them in the darkness of their lives. I hope that this is close to what you want.

Fic for janus )
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