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Dec. 23rd, 2009 @ 12:22 am art for unbroken_halo 'Let's Play!' (Snape/Lupin)

Art for: [info]unbroken_halo
Title: Let's Play!
Artist: [info]littleblackbow

Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: mild R
Media: pen and ink, marker, and whatever you decide to use!!
Warnings/Kinks: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[full frontal male nudity]
Summary: This can be far too much fun if you get into it.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The artist has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Artist's notes: (instructions): print out the dolls on cardstock and carefully cut them out using scissors or an xacto blade. Print the clothes out on regular paper and color with whatever you like - crayons, colored pencils, markers, the blood of a chicken. Then (allow to dry) carefully cut out the clothes and dress your dolls by folding the tabs over the bodies. There's hours of fun to be had when we all make paper dolls and play with them together!

Art for unbroken_halo )

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