Dec. 6th, 2010 @ 12:17 am Gift fic for curia_regis, Certain Death To Nargles, adult/R

Recipient: curia_regis

Author: iamisaac

Title: Certain Death To Nargles

Characters: Severus/Luna

Rating: adult/R

Content Info: *AU: Severus is alive after the Great War. Oral.*

Summary: Severus has escaped from Hogwarts, from the UK, from people. Or at least, he thought he had...

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~3,000

Author Notes: Many thanks to the lovely J/D who managed to find the really shit bits, separate them from the 'that's going to have to do' bits, and also point out any errors or repetitions! Curia, I really hope this hits some of your kinks somewhere along the line. I got Nargles into the title, at any rate!

Curia, I really hope this hits some of your kinks somewhere along the line. I got Nargles into the title, at any rate!

( Certain Death To Nargles )

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