Dec. 1st, 2010 @ 12:02 am Gift fic for alafaye, My Lost Heart in Hiding

Recipient: alafaye

Author: k8bnimble

Title: My Lost Heart in Hiding

Characters: Severus/Lucius

Rating: Teen

Content Info: No real warnings to speak of.

Prompt used: Used the prompts: attraction later in life and realizing they're attracted to each other sharing a bottle of wine in front of fire (or at least a variation of that)

Summary: After the war, Severus Snape disappeared and became the owner of an inn on the Isle of Eigg. This Christmas, an unexpected guest could upset his new life.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. I make no money on this. I just like playing with the boys. I also don't own or make money with poetry by Gerald Manley Hopkins and he is duly credited in the story.

Word count: ~12,000

Author Notes: Happy holidays, Alafaye! You asked for fluff, warmth of the holidays and love later in life with wine and fireplaces. I hope this fits the bill! Special thanks to my wonderful, wonderful StarDuchess who did an outstanding job of keeping me focused on the details. I've never been to Eigg, so my apologies up front if I've gotten any details wrong. After all the research I've done though, I sure want to visit it! I also hope to one day write the companion piece that focuses on Harry and Draco after they arrive.

( My Lost Heart in Hiding )

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