Dec. 25th, 2009 @ 12:05 am fic for midnight_birth 'On The Lam' (Snape/Percy)

Fic for: [info]midnight_birth
Title: On the Lam
Author: [info]joanwilder

Pairing: Snape/Percy
Rating: NC-17
Content Info: highlight between brackets for specifics: [consensual m/m including frottage & oral]
Summary: When Severus Snape is unexpectedly the victim of a Wizengamot gone awry, he discovers that the wizarding world rallies around its heroes.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Universe is the property of J.K. Rowling and her book and film companies. I make no money from writing fanfiction.
Word count: ~43,000
Author Notes: To my recipient: this is a Snape/Percy first-time story. Snape never died. I hit quite a few of your requests, hoping to make this something you'll enjoy. To my beta reader, thanks again for working all day, then coming home at night and slaving away on this. And to the Fest Mods, thanks for your patience and willingness to run a holiday fest for us to play in.

Fic for midnight_birth )

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