
we put a stopper in death

The World of Severus Snape

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Welcome to Snapedom!
If you want to see snapedom entries on your LJ flist, add snapedom_syn feed. But please remember to come here to the post to comment.

This community is mostly unmoderated. Read the rules and more in "About Snapedom."

No fanfic or art posts, but you can promote your fanfic and fanart, or post recommendations, every Friday.

July 14th, 2009

Underground Member Essays list

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Figured I ought to do one of these. I have a habit of posting essay-length comments now and then, so a couple of these are links to the original posts to which my comments are attached.

Rants and musings )

March 28th, 2008

essays, what? where?

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I have a few, but only the first has anything meaty about Snape.  ;)

9/18/07 - On Harry Potter Part 1: Consequences (and there isn't actually a Part 2 yet, although I have notes for it. Maybe eventually I'll get around to it.) -- mostly a rant on the end of Deathly Hallows, with some extra ranting about Sorting/House prejudice. "Would that all that Gryffindor bravery were tempered occasionally by some Hufflepuff loyalty, and a bit of Slytherin guile!"

10/25/07 - how did this happen? - my wibbling about suddenly writing fanfiction after not having done so before, and the ethical/creative implications of it.

10/26/07 - Reading in a Connected World - meta about reading / fandom when the author is alive and dictating, and how much impact the life and opinions of the author ever has on readers.

2/13/08 - it's in the stars - my commentary on the "Slytherin in Pisces" at HP Astrology. (does this count as meta? hm.)

I am adding my reflections on HP and Tarot for my HP Tarot deck in progress:
2/25/08 why, yes, I am obsessed, why do you ask? Cards: Death, Temperance. (stuff about Snape in this one!) good stuff in the comments to this one, too.

3/19/08 more HP tarot blather. Cards: Death, Emperor, Empress.

March 27th, 2008

Geri-chan's Essays, Reviews, Etc.

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Here are all my essays, reviews, etc. I added the "etc." since some of these are closer to rants and discussions rather than formal essays.

Making you work, part 2

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Those of you who've been in the Underground for a while may remember that, a few months ago, I asked you to make a post with a list of all your meta and essays.

These posts were moved here to IJ, like all the other posts, but the program that moves these posts, makes me post all these posts, with an add-on as to who the original poster was. This is fine, normally, but in this case it isn't. You're supposed to work with this list, ad to it, update it.

[info]geri_chan wanted to do just that, but couldn't, because naturally you can't edit other people's posts. Not even the admins can edit your posts, we can only delete posts, but never edit.

To get around this, it would be best if you all just posted a new post with that list. To make that easier and spare you all the typing in of the old code, I posted replies to your posts with just that, the code. You can copy and paste that into a new post. You need to watch out that you are working in html mode. On the upper right hand side of the posting window, you find, just as in LJ, the options Rich text and html. Paste the code into the html window. Then you can either modify the html itself, or switch to rich text and make your changes/adjustments.

Let this be an invitation to update your lists, and let this be an invitation for new members to make such a list for themselves if they want to.

You can list all your metas and posts there, they don't have to be made on snapedom. They don't have to be Severus-specific either, more general analysis certainly are interesting too, to all of us. This is meant as a means for you to show us what you like to discuss and where. Please ad the tag 'Underground Member Essays' to the post if you know how.

You can see the existing posts with lists here:

November 12th, 2007

Bohemian Spirit's essays, musings, rants, and sundry floating thoughts about Severus Snape and such

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Original poster: bohemianspirit

Here are the things I have written about Severus Snape and related subjects to date.

NOTE: This list is a work in progress. I am creating the post today just so I have it in place, but it will not be complete today. I will remove this note once I have brought the listing up to date. As I may have said a few dozen times, I don't have Internet access at home, so I have to do my posting in bits and pieces where and whenever I can get to an online computer. ;-)

Last edited: 1-29-08

A list of Bohemian Spirit's essays, musings, rants, etc. )

October 23rd, 2007

Geri-chan's Essays, Reviews, Etc.

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Original poster: geri_chan

Here are all my essays, reviews, etc. I added the "etc." since some of these are closer to rants and discussions rather than formal essays.

October 25th, 2007

Rattlesnakeroot/Silver Ink Pot Essays and Satire

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Original poster: rattlesnakeroot

I am "Rattlesnakeroot" on LJ, but also write as "Silver Ink Pot"

on Harry Potter Network and Mugglenet Editorials.


November 11th, 2007

Cardigrl's rants/reviews...

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Original poster: cardigrl

Better late than never?  Links to a few Snape-related posts here

October 25th, 2007

mary-j-59's essays:

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Original poster: mary_j_59

Well, I started my livejournal mostly in order to talk about Half Blood Prince, and I've been talking and talking ever since! Links to the essays on my blog to follow (I hope):

Read more... )

maryh10000 essays

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Original poster: maryh10000

I'm rather new here, but I've got a few essays elsewhere. 

October 23rd, 2007

I want you to work, my dears!

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Original poster: sylvanawood

Does that sound patronizing? I hope not. (Evil, machiavellian grin).

You know how unorganised and busy (and lazy) I am. Which you were warned about in the user info.
I collected, and still collect interesting links, but hardly find the time to organise them, and put them on our link site. Bad me.
And now, that the community is growing so nicely, we have many new and interesting essays from you, the snapedom members. Many of you don't only write essays for this community, but also on their own journals, and on other comms. This is more than I could follow and keep organised. So I want you to do that yourself, if you like.

I will make a tag 'snapedom member essays' and link to this tag from the link-section on the right column of the main page. Every one of you who wrote essays,  will write essays and has them here, there and everywhere, can post a new post and collect their own links on that post. Since you started these posts, you will be able to edit them later, so you can add to them, correct them etc. Through the tag and the link on the main site, we will find them, and can check them out at our leisure. And you will have a place where you'll find them quickly as well. (If you're halfway as chaotic as I, you will never remember where exactly you posted what, sigh...).

Anyway, I'll make an example post with my own stuff, so you can see what I mean.

And finally, a poll. Do we want a name for ourselves, the community members? Snapedom members sounds a bit awkward. The other day I called you Snapeistas, but I think we should just collect suggestions and later decide per popular vote with a poll. So go for it. I'm looking forward to your suggestions.

ETA: I'll not reply to the individual suggestions. Just keep them coming, please! :)

Sylvanawood's Rants and Essays

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Original poster: sylvanawood

This is an example for an essay link list. You can organise and format your own as you like, I'm just asking you to put it under a cut to give us a list of users with essays:

Here is the list for my rants and essays:

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