
fanfic recommendations

The World of Severus Snape

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fanfic recommendations

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It's friday, I've rediscovered how to post to this site (always a hocus pocus) and I've found some EXCELLENT Snape fics: it must be time for another round of fanfic recommendations!

First off, here's a finished fic: 'The Prince's Harem' by severusphoenix

It begins when Snape's Worst Memory left, where young Sev has been debagged and everybody has had a good look at his... equipment. And been impressed. The Hogwarts Rumor Mill starts up, Severus finds his Slytherin side and exploits it, he finds some good friends and.. oh, one only WISHES his story would go this way. It's funny, it's clever and a good read. As the author says: "My nod to the movie "Easy A" & Severus in the staring role.Hogwarts Rumor Mill starts working overtime & Severus is no longer shunned by those of the female persuasion. The story is stuffed full of rather salacious humor."

The same author also writes 'Petunia's Boys', and '3 Slytherin Marauders', which I also recommend. They are both WIP's, both contain GoodPetunia, GoodMalfoys and GoodDudley. If these kind of AU's appeal to you, then these fics might be up your alley.

Now, I've found a new author which I totally love, love, LOVE. Not in the least because she is an unashamed Dumbledore-, Marauder- and Lily-basher, but her stories are always well-written, logical and in character. She just gives these characters enough rope to hang themselves and watches the spectacle with glee. And I watch along with her and chortle like mad. It's very cathargic.
Most of her fic, however, are WIPs, which is a shame.

You can find all her fic here:

The oldest, and most complete is 'Snape's Worst Memory', and it's brilliant. It begins with, as the title says, with the whole SWM episode, but Sev never gets to utter that infamous 'mudblood' slur because someone else decides to pull a prank. "The Marauders have more enemies than just Severus Snape, who's rotten luck is about to change. His friendship with Lily will continue past fifth year."

Possibly in the same AU universe is 'Be Careful What You Wish For', a WIP where Harry gets a wish and he wishes to 'help his happilly married parents defeat Voldemort'... Oh Harry.

Two of my absolute FAVORITE fics of all time (even though they are unfinished of yet) are 'Cursed' and 'Misschief Managed'.

Cursed is yet another brilliant 'give Dumbles and the Marauders enough rope and they'll hang themselves', and it's rife with absolute BRILLIANT little ways in which people misunderstand each other's meanings.
Sev has been hurt during the 'Prank' but things only come to light and balls start rolling when a clueless teacher takes him to investigate Mrs Evans claim that there has been a fire in Spinner's End and nobody has seen Sev's parents. I utterly LOVE this story and hope that Darkglare will pick it up again some day.

The second story, 'Misschief Managed' is equally brilliant and has been rather recently been updated, so there is yet hope : )
The Marauders have gone too far this time. Their 'little pranks' aren't so funny when they're aimed at you, are they, Lily Evans?
What happens when Lily Evans feels her life is ruined by the Marauders as a joke?

And lastly, if it is just a funny one-shot you crave, Very Small Prophet wrote a wonderful take on Snape taking Harry to the Cave to fetch the horcrux:

"Snape takes Harry on his first Horcrux hunt, and shows him how to contaminate a potion. Moral: Always send a Dark wizard to fetch a Dark object and a potions master to deal with a potion."
  • Re: like

    It seems to be the same person. I wonder why haven't they have been reported.
    • Re: like

      ffnet doesn't seem to bother closing accounts down for spam reviews. I got spammed just after DH came out and I reported the reviews, but they're all still there...


      PS Who are you?
      • Re: like

        I left a couple of positive reviews on one of the current stories, as a counter to the trolls.
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