
Fiction rec

The World of Severus Snape

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I recently emailed Bloodcult of Freud to ask if there was any chance of “Seven Preposterous Things” being finished. The author pled real life and other writing, but also said, “The dwindling feedback was a factor in the stalling of the story.” You have to join Digital Quill to leave a review (which wasn’t always the case--as I pointed out to BcoF a possible reason for dwindling). However, you can, as I belatedly realized, email BcoF directly with feedback. It’s a marvelous AU (from the end of HBP)—featuring Severus/Hermione and Draco/Millicent. Great characterizations (Millie is the best, but they’re all good), wonderful dialogue, an interesting and different Pureblood culture, a plot that twists from hysterically funny to tragic to sexy unexpectedly… really you want to read it. And having started it, you will, really truly, need to see it carried to completion. So go read it, and then let Bloodcult know you’re not content to be abandoned. BCoF’s own warnings on the story were:
Dark Comedy and Angst. Graphic Sex, Character Death, Pimples, Gore and Unflattering Characterizations.
Not a one of which were inaccurate. So now go read. Or reread. Bloodcult of Freud, Seven Preposterous Things
  • Holding a story hostage?

    Not to insult you, fenghuang, but your response is really all about MY, Terri's, ineptness of expression, and about my possible invasion of Bloodcult's privacy.

    I asked BCoF a PRIVATE question and published the response publiicly without expicit permission.

    The author, BCoF, did NOT ever state or imply that he/she was holding the story hostage pending feedback.

    In effect, all internet-published fanfic is published on a "will work for food" basis, with the food being understood to be positive (or, for the more sturdy, constructive) feedback.

    BCoF stated only that the lack of such feedback (which, as I said, might have been tied to the hosting websites's sudden decision to disable anonymous reviewers) had discouraged him/her from continuing to work on the story.

    Which, it seems to me, is a perfectly natural response on an author's part. (Particularly on the part of one who seems a bit tired and discouraged.) If no one much cares, and Real Life Calls, why trouble to update?

    MY point, really, was that anyone of decent taste who actually had READ the story would urgently want it continued. And I had specific evidence that urging the author to write might possibly have an effect.

    And, asserts my Slytherin sensibility, if I can induce others to read it, and to join me in urging the author to finish it, we're all more like to read the final chapters and enjoy together.

    I'm really just hoping for the win-win situation here. Where I, and jin-fenghuang, and everyone else who's ever been inveigled into casting eyes over this fiction, all rejoice in concert in its completion.

    Bloodcult of Freud is not asking, has never asked, anyone to read this fiction, or to admire it, or to urge the writer to complete it.

    I am.

    For my own completely selfish ends-- I want this story to be finished: I want to read the rest!

    And I really, truly, sincerely do think that a lot of SS fans, were they in the know, would join me in this wish. And that the more who express the wiish directly, the more likely that it'll be satisfied.

    Have I made myself clear?

    Thanks, Terri

    • Re: Holding a story hostage?

      And you are getting mad at me because you could not make that clear in the first post, why?
      • Re: Holding a story hostage?

        Sorry if I seemed mad, that's not it at all! I mostly wanted to be sure I clarified the matter, since you seemed to take my personal, third-party clumsiness for an authorial demand for feedback, and to take offense at this presumed demand.

        Ascribe the ineptness of expression to me, not to the story's author, I guess is mostly what I'm saying.

        And ascribe the assumed eagerness for feedback to me, if you truly do think the desire (or need) for feedback that reprehensible.

        Bloodcult of Freud was content simply to stop writing, after all. I, me Terri, am the one who stirred the waters here, the one who implied that increased feedback on this story might inspire the author to continue writing.

        Thanks for your response.

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