
Snape and his women....

The World of Severus Snape

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Snape and his women....

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Severus and his women:
This is a brief exploration of Severus and his non-sexual relationships with women. (I hope it's okay to discuss the non-sexual and non-romantic aspects of his relationships with women here.)

Severus and Minerva:
I had always believed that Snape and McGonagall developed a close working relationship, affectionate and respectful of each other as Heads of Houses. On reflection, that seems to be shaped by a combination of wish-fulfillment and fanon rather than any particular canon evidence.
Ar the end of OOTP, when Minerva starts restoring house points to Gryffindor (and Ravenclaw), Severus seems to annoyed by the situation but isn't rude to Minerva. Minerva sets to restoring points with aplomb, but isn't disrespectful of Severus. Of course, this could be motivated by a shrewd understanding that to show disrespect for another teacher in front of students coukd adversely affect student discipline
The hostility Minerva expresses to Severus in DH could indicate a long-held poor opinion of him, but could equally be read as an expression of the betrayal and disappointment she felt when a long respected and liked co-worker is clearly a traitor.

Severus and Madame Pomfrey:
I think I've absorbed the fanon trope that these two have a warm and respectful relationship - I can't think of any speciific canon evidence to support or refute that. I think this piece of fanon stems from the idea that Snape would require meddical treatments after some of his meetings witb Voldemort. Sounds plausible enough, I guess.

Severus and Sinistra:
There's no indication that Severus is particularly close to any of the other women at Hogwarts. In fanon, Severus frequently depicted as being on good terms with Sinistra, who (in fanon) also came fron Slytherin (at least I'm assuming that it comes from fanon, unless JKR did a rave about Sinistra's Slytherin background in one of her interviews.)

Serverus and Irma Pince:
Another fanon cliche is that Irma Pince is Severus' mother, cunningly disguised from possible (DE-related?) danger by reverting to her maiden name and removing the letter "r".
One of [info]drachenmina's stories plsys on that cliche - Severus is mystified to hear the students inexplicably referring her to "The librarian formerly known as Pince" after she has resumed her original name and revealed herself as his mother. In a story by [info]skitty_kat, Severus is Pince, dressed in women's robes and with his hair in a tasteful chignon. Apparently cataloguing, shelving and silencing noisy students is a form of stress-relief for him.

Although Pince is only briefly described by JKR, the few details do make her sound rather snape-like - hooked nose, dark hair, always scowling....

I would imagine that Severus would rather approve of her strict interactions with the students in the library - if she were an efficient librarian, Severus might have her in some regard. JKR's representation of Pince as a librarian is not explored - I get the sense of her as a librarian in a caretaker sense, that is, reshelving books and presumably cataloguing them, rather than a librarian as an information manager, who might be consulted by students. Since many people do see a librarian merely as a caretaker of the books in a library building, that's not really surprising (the amount of times people have said to me, "Do you need a degree to be a librarian?" in tones of utter shock, clearly having little idea what a librarian does.)

Severus and Narcissa:
I could imagine that they got on well enough, even if they weren't especially close. In HBP, Narcissa refers to Severus' friendship with Lucius, so it seems that is the point of connection for them, rather than the two have them having much intimacy apart from Lucius.

Severus and Bellatrix
Other than Alecto Carrow, Bellatrix is the only female DE I'm aware of, and I can't imagine him holding Carrow in much regard. Severus seems to feel contempt for Bellatrix. In interactions with her, he is sneering and contemptous, seeing her as both a danger in regard to the parameters of his mission, and as a crazed-pyscho-nutter.

EDIT: [info]skitty_kat's story mentioned above is How To Relax.

  • Another woman to consider: Tonks.

    She completed training as an Auror about a year before we meet her in August 1995. Which probably means she attended Hogwarts between September 1984 and June 1991 and Severus taught her Potions the entire time. A NEWT in Potions is a requirement to enter training (unless you are 'special'), and Severus only takes those who got an O on their OWL into his NEWT class. So the clumsy, accident-prone Tonks managed an O with Severus as her teacher. How did this happen? I doubt she somehow avoided dropping things or knocking her cauldron over altogether. How did she deal with Severus' insults? How did her interactions with Severus differ from Nevile's?

    The only place in canon we see any interaction between the two of them is in chapter 8 of HBP, when he commented that her new Patronus looked weak, causing her expression to show shock and anger for a moment. We know her Patronus represented Remus. Initially it looked like Severus was just being nasty, but it could also be read as him protecting a former student from an inadequate love interest. After all he knew Remus very well - and he was right about him. (I suppose it can also be read as jealousy - are there any Severus/Tonks fics? And I guess Snupin shippers read this as an attempt to keep Remus to himself?)
    • And I guess Snupin shippers read this as an attempt to keep Remus to himself? Well, my snupin-shipping self jumped for joy - easy to read it as jealousy if that's the way you're already thinking of it.

      I can't imagine Severus having a great deal of respect for Tonks. Even assuming that he wasn't as harsh to other students as he was to those in Harry's year, I just can't see him having much tolerance or patience for Tonk's clumsiness and her positive upbeat attitude.
      • (Anonymous)
        Of course part of the problem is that we are now led to believe that some of her clumsiness was about shyness in front of Remus. So, she may not have always been so clumsy (personally, I think it's better to have her clumsy because she's a metamorph and unsure of her physical body boundaries)

        I must admit that I was much happier when I could still believe she was a Slytherin (and a smart one who helped earn that House Cup for the past 7 years). Now that we hear from JKR that she was a Hufflepuff, I'm not sure what Snape thought of her. I think he would have less trouble with the clumsiness (as long as it wasn't endangering anyone) and more problems with her 'cheek' - don't TELL me she never impersonated HIS nose!

        BTW - my take on the 'weak' patronus is that it literally IS 'weak'. Harry cannot determine that it was a werewolf instead of Snuffles. Harry may not have often seen Remus as Moony, but he HAD seen Snuffles often enough to recognize that this wasn't 'him' IF it had been a strong, clear patronus. I personally think Snape is telling Tonks to 'shape up', that she's letting her 'emotions' weaken her - hence the no color hair and most especially the reason she WALKS Harry from the station instead of apparating to the front gates.

        He was most direct about saying that Harry was NOW safe since he was now with Snape - fully implying that he was NOT safe walking around in the dark with Tonks for about an hour or more, especially not after a summer FULL of disappearances caused by DEs. -- Hwyla
        • However clumsy she was, she managed to succeed in his subject. That should count for something. Perhaps the Hufflepuff ethos of hard work helped her through. I think Severus would appreciate a student making a continuous visible effort to overcome a hurdle.
    • are there any Severus/Tonks fics?

      Samvimes' AU fic "Laocoon's Children" has a beautiful (and rather believable) Severus/Tonks romance. This pairing is a secret favorite of mine, actually.... :)
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