
Snape and his women....

The World of Severus Snape

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Snape and his women....

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Severus and his women:
This is a brief exploration of Severus and his non-sexual relationships with women. (I hope it's okay to discuss the non-sexual and non-romantic aspects of his relationships with women here.)

Severus and Minerva:
I had always believed that Snape and McGonagall developed a close working relationship, affectionate and respectful of each other as Heads of Houses. On reflection, that seems to be shaped by a combination of wish-fulfillment and fanon rather than any particular canon evidence.
Ar the end of OOTP, when Minerva starts restoring house points to Gryffindor (and Ravenclaw), Severus seems to annoyed by the situation but isn't rude to Minerva. Minerva sets to restoring points with aplomb, but isn't disrespectful of Severus. Of course, this could be motivated by a shrewd understanding that to show disrespect for another teacher in front of students coukd adversely affect student discipline
The hostility Minerva expresses to Severus in DH could indicate a long-held poor opinion of him, but could equally be read as an expression of the betrayal and disappointment she felt when a long respected and liked co-worker is clearly a traitor.

Severus and Madame Pomfrey:
I think I've absorbed the fanon trope that these two have a warm and respectful relationship - I can't think of any speciific canon evidence to support or refute that. I think this piece of fanon stems from the idea that Snape would require meddical treatments after some of his meetings witb Voldemort. Sounds plausible enough, I guess.

Severus and Sinistra:
There's no indication that Severus is particularly close to any of the other women at Hogwarts. In fanon, Severus frequently depicted as being on good terms with Sinistra, who (in fanon) also came fron Slytherin (at least I'm assuming that it comes from fanon, unless JKR did a rave about Sinistra's Slytherin background in one of her interviews.)

Serverus and Irma Pince:
Another fanon cliche is that Irma Pince is Severus' mother, cunningly disguised from possible (DE-related?) danger by reverting to her maiden name and removing the letter "r".
One of [info]drachenmina's stories plsys on that cliche - Severus is mystified to hear the students inexplicably referring her to "The librarian formerly known as Pince" after she has resumed her original name and revealed herself as his mother. In a story by [info]skitty_kat, Severus is Pince, dressed in women's robes and with his hair in a tasteful chignon. Apparently cataloguing, shelving and silencing noisy students is a form of stress-relief for him.

Although Pince is only briefly described by JKR, the few details do make her sound rather snape-like - hooked nose, dark hair, always scowling....

I would imagine that Severus would rather approve of her strict interactions with the students in the library - if she were an efficient librarian, Severus might have her in some regard. JKR's representation of Pince as a librarian is not explored - I get the sense of her as a librarian in a caretaker sense, that is, reshelving books and presumably cataloguing them, rather than a librarian as an information manager, who might be consulted by students. Since many people do see a librarian merely as a caretaker of the books in a library building, that's not really surprising (the amount of times people have said to me, "Do you need a degree to be a librarian?" in tones of utter shock, clearly having little idea what a librarian does.)

Severus and Narcissa:
I could imagine that they got on well enough, even if they weren't especially close. In HBP, Narcissa refers to Severus' friendship with Lucius, so it seems that is the point of connection for them, rather than the two have them having much intimacy apart from Lucius.

Severus and Bellatrix
Other than Alecto Carrow, Bellatrix is the only female DE I'm aware of, and I can't imagine him holding Carrow in much regard. Severus seems to feel contempt for Bellatrix. In interactions with her, he is sneering and contemptous, seeing her as both a danger in regard to the parameters of his mission, and as a crazed-pyscho-nutter.

EDIT: [info]skitty_kat's story mentioned above is How To Relax.

  • I like to think of Severus and Minerva as being friends--not best buddies or anything like that, but colleagues who have a friendly rivalry and a healthy respect for each other. Her reaction in DH could be chalked up to feelings of betrayal--all the more extreme because Severus was someone that she trusted. It still makes me sad that not one person believed in him, even though I have to admit that the apparent evidence was pretty damning.

    I'm not sure about affection, but I think that Pomfrey would at least have some respect for Severus, since he probably brews some of the healing potions for her. And it's completely fanon, but I like to imagine that she would have noticed that the students' injuries from the Carrows' punishments were not as bad as they could be, and that she might have suspected that Severus was restraining them as best he could. Although she'd probably still be pretty upset that the students were being injured at all.

    Sinistra: I'm one of those fanfic writers who made Sinistra a Slytherin because of her name. Not exactly subtle, I must admit, but then again, neither is the name "Sinstra." ^_^

    I can totally imagine Severus masquerading as Irma Pince, except: between spying, teaching Potions, and running the library, when does the poor guy find time to sleep? ~_^ Maybe he uses a Time Turner?

    And slightly OT but...a Master's degree in Library Science is usually a requirement to become a librarian in the US, and in a school library, they probably need a teaching degree or certificate as well. Librarians do more than shelve books and go around shushing noisy students, people! ^_^
    • I like to think of Severus and Minerva as being friends--not best buddies or anything like that, but colleagues who have a friendly rivalry and a healthy respect for each other. ^_^ Yes!

      Sinistra: I'm one of those fanfic writers who made Sinistra a Slytherin because of her name. I do like the idea that there are more Slytherins employed as teachers in the school, though. And not just teaching Potions either.

      I can totally imagine Severus masquerading as Irma Pince, except: between spying, teaching Potions, and running the library, when does the poor guy find time to sleep? ~_^ Maybe he uses a Time Turner? Yes, in the story I'm thinking of, he did have a Time Turner!

      Librarians do more than shelve books and go around shushing noisy students, people! I'm always surprised that other people are surprised that I'm going post-grad study to be a librarian! ^_^

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