
Snape and his women....

The World of Severus Snape

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Snape and his women....

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Severus and his women:
This is a brief exploration of Severus and his non-sexual relationships with women. (I hope it's okay to discuss the non-sexual and non-romantic aspects of his relationships with women here.)

Severus and Minerva:
I had always believed that Snape and McGonagall developed a close working relationship, affectionate and respectful of each other as Heads of Houses. On reflection, that seems to be shaped by a combination of wish-fulfillment and fanon rather than any particular canon evidence.
Ar the end of OOTP, when Minerva starts restoring house points to Gryffindor (and Ravenclaw), Severus seems to annoyed by the situation but isn't rude to Minerva. Minerva sets to restoring points with aplomb, but isn't disrespectful of Severus. Of course, this could be motivated by a shrewd understanding that to show disrespect for another teacher in front of students coukd adversely affect student discipline
The hostility Minerva expresses to Severus in DH could indicate a long-held poor opinion of him, but could equally be read as an expression of the betrayal and disappointment she felt when a long respected and liked co-worker is clearly a traitor.

Severus and Madame Pomfrey:
I think I've absorbed the fanon trope that these two have a warm and respectful relationship - I can't think of any speciific canon evidence to support or refute that. I think this piece of fanon stems from the idea that Snape would require meddical treatments after some of his meetings witb Voldemort. Sounds plausible enough, I guess.

Severus and Sinistra:
There's no indication that Severus is particularly close to any of the other women at Hogwarts. In fanon, Severus frequently depicted as being on good terms with Sinistra, who (in fanon) also came fron Slytherin (at least I'm assuming that it comes from fanon, unless JKR did a rave about Sinistra's Slytherin background in one of her interviews.)

Serverus and Irma Pince:
Another fanon cliche is that Irma Pince is Severus' mother, cunningly disguised from possible (DE-related?) danger by reverting to her maiden name and removing the letter "r".
One of [info]drachenmina's stories plsys on that cliche - Severus is mystified to hear the students inexplicably referring her to "The librarian formerly known as Pince" after she has resumed her original name and revealed herself as his mother. In a story by [info]skitty_kat, Severus is Pince, dressed in women's robes and with his hair in a tasteful chignon. Apparently cataloguing, shelving and silencing noisy students is a form of stress-relief for him.

Although Pince is only briefly described by JKR, the few details do make her sound rather snape-like - hooked nose, dark hair, always scowling....

I would imagine that Severus would rather approve of her strict interactions with the students in the library - if she were an efficient librarian, Severus might have her in some regard. JKR's representation of Pince as a librarian is not explored - I get the sense of her as a librarian in a caretaker sense, that is, reshelving books and presumably cataloguing them, rather than a librarian as an information manager, who might be consulted by students. Since many people do see a librarian merely as a caretaker of the books in a library building, that's not really surprising (the amount of times people have said to me, "Do you need a degree to be a librarian?" in tones of utter shock, clearly having little idea what a librarian does.)

Severus and Narcissa:
I could imagine that they got on well enough, even if they weren't especially close. In HBP, Narcissa refers to Severus' friendship with Lucius, so it seems that is the point of connection for them, rather than the two have them having much intimacy apart from Lucius.

Severus and Bellatrix
Other than Alecto Carrow, Bellatrix is the only female DE I'm aware of, and I can't imagine him holding Carrow in much regard. Severus seems to feel contempt for Bellatrix. In interactions with her, he is sneering and contemptous, seeing her as both a danger in regard to the parameters of his mission, and as a crazed-pyscho-nutter.

EDIT: [info]skitty_kat's story mentioned above is How To Relax.

  • Mmm, I tend to think that Minerva's hostility in DH is so open that it could only come from a sense of betrayal, but that might not necessarily be personal, I suppose, just the fact that he killed Albus and sold out the Order (in her view).

    Re Madame Pomfrey - whether or not he needed the treatment after DE meetings, I think they would have to have developed a reasonable working relationship as presumably he brews potions for the infirmary?
    • Ooh, there you are. Did you write the Severus was really Irma Pince during his off-hours story, or was that skitty?

      I tend to think that Minerva's hostility in DH is so open that it could only come from a sense of betrayal Personally, I agree that there must be a sense of betrayal heating her response to Severus. Flitwick likewise. But as you say, it's hard to be certain if she feels betrayed because of a friendship between them, or because he's kiled Albus and betrayed the cause.

      Forgot about Severus maling potions for the Infirmary. Yes, that would mean even more interaction between them.
      • (Anonymous)
        Yes, Snape makes the 'specialty' potions for the Infirmary, but some are also apparently store-bought. The Skele-gro was in a large bottle, labeled with the names of the makers. It's name also sounds 'commercial'. I've wondered whether the same was true of Pepper-Up, just based on the name.

        In other words, Poppy MAY have the most used potions provided by outside sources, but when it comes to specialty potions (the mandrake potion in bk2, the ten potions Hermione needed at the end of bk5) then Snape's the one to brew them.

        However, there is also Snape's specialty in healing Dark Curses (Katie Bell). I presume from this that Snape was also probably working with Poppy on Ron and Hermione after the fight in the DoM. Harry was not around to see them when they were first brought in.

        It's even possible that Snape helped Poppy with Harry at the end of 1st year. Being attacked by VaporMort was hardly in Poppy's usual scope and Harry was out of it for days. With Snape's promise to protect the boy, I cannot see him leaving Harry's welfare solely to Poppy. -- Hwyla
        • (Anonymous)
          After thought - there's also Snape's youth. It is unclear whether he would have needed Poppy after run-ins with the Marauders.

          On the 'no' side, there's SWM. He probably SHOULD have gone to the Infirmary after being dropped on his head, but it's doubtful that he did, since he's outside Gryffindor that night, intending to stay there until Lily comes out to see him.

          On the 'yes' side, there's the instance of at least one kid whose head they swell up to twice it's size, if that was also typical of the sort of 'prank' they would pull, then he probably would have needed to go get unhexed on at least a few occasions.

          Surprisingly UNCLEAR is whether or not he was sent to the infirmary after the Werewolf Incident. It's also unclear how Poppy would have felt about it, since he was trying to reveal Remus' secret.

          Therefore, I'm undecided how Poppy would have felt about him as a student, but considering her 'praise' of Remus over dispensing Chocolate, I would hope she was just as admiring of Snape's healing abilities - Hwyla
          • It's also unclear how Poppy would have felt about it, since he was trying to reveal Remus' secret.

            Well, since later he only talked about it to Lily rather than make a big stink or start a general rumor I think she must have cooled off of whatever negative feelings she had about this.
            • (Anonymous)
              I really don't know - the problem being that I'm not convinced Poppy even KNEW about the Werewolf Incident. YES - IF she knew and had been a bit mad about Snape trying to reveal Remus' secret, then his silence on the matter would have impressed her.

              However, when we see Lily speaking to him a few days afterwards, there's not a mention that she didn't run to see him because Poppy wouldn't let her into the Infirmary (a good excuse for why she hadn't yet seen him yet). So, I'm halfway convinced that he wasn't sent (or at least KEPT) in the Infirmary over the Incident. -- Hwyla
        • What about healing Ron from the effects of a bite by a 'mystery' creature in year 1? I'm sure Severus wasn't at Ron's bedside, but Poppy may have consulted with him in attempt to identify the cause of the bite.

          duj has Severus involved in dealing with Hermione's Polyjuice mishap.

          • (Anonymous)
            I can see Snape needing to be called in for the Polyjuice mishap - at least for a consult. But I'm doubtful about Ron's bite. Personally, I'd expect Poppy to call in Hagrid for a consult on an animal bite over Snape. It's just that it's more 'animal' than 'dark curse' And Dragon's don't seem to be regarded as 'dark' (like werewolves)

            I do wonder what to make of Snape's taking care of his own Fluffy-bite (with Filch's help). I tend to wonder whether he and Poppy didn't quite 'get on' back then. Perhaps things were still a bit 'stiff' between them back then?

            I really do wonder about Harry's treatment at the end of year 1. He's out of it for days - after dealing with VaporMort. I feel really pretty sure that might have needed a Snape 'consult' IF so, perhaps that was a chance for improving the working relationship between Poppy and Snape? -- Hwyla
            • Dragons aren't Dark, but I doubt Poppy suspected a dragon bite, what with dragon breeding being illegal since the 1700s. But yes, maybe she asked Hagrid, and maybe that's how Dumbledore found out about the whole thing and knew to return Harry his cloak from the Astronomy Tower.

              I do wonder what to make of Snape's taking care of his own Fluffy-bite (with Filch's help). I tend to wonder whether he and Poppy didn't quite 'get on' back then. Perhaps things were still a bit 'stiff' between them back then?

              I don't think this means anything except Severus being as self-sufficient as possible. After all, he only needed help with having the bandages handy, he didn't need professional help.
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