
December 21st, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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December 21st, 2007

Friday Recs: Special Snape Slash Holiday Edition

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Original poster: bluestocking79

Given that it's December, there are many fic exchanges in full swing, producing floods of new fic and art to be appreciated. There are a multitude of festivals this year and hence reams of stories to be read; I know that I appreciate it when somebody's recs can help me navigate the choices and decide which I might want to read first. I'm not anywhere near to having read all the stories (or perhaps even a fraction of them), but I thought I'd start posting my recs now, before I forget or lose track of those stories that were really worthy of being read.

Before I start, a few notes: the current holiday fests are slash heavy, although not exclusively so. All of my recs today are slash, so if you strongly dislike it, I doubt you'll like these. Furthermore, since I had to split these up somehow, all of today's recs are from the Snarry Holidays fest, with the exception of one really rare pairing. Next week will bring Snupin and both het and gen recs, I promise.

I've noted the ratings for your convenience (mind them, please), and because none of these exchanges have posted their reveals yet, these are all by Anonymous. Later, after author names have been posted, I'll edit this post to reflect the correct authors. And last but not least, please note that virtually all of these deal with DH-canon in some way, although most of them twist it to some degree.

ETA: Snarry Holidays authors are listed as of 12/26.
ETA 2: Merry Smutmas author listed as of 1/4.

So, with that out of the way: On to the recs )

Next week: more recs!

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