
November 23rd, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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November 23rd, 2007

Recommendation time!!!

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Original poster: marionros

It's fridaymorning in my part of the world. Time, therefore, to recommendate some spiffing Snapelicious fics (dear me, I sound rather too chipper for a fridaymorning. What was in that porridge?)

First off, I'm sure I don't really have to recommend this any more, but for those who missed it; Sydpad is NOT doing a brilliant comic about Snape after DH. But if she did, it would look like this...
The page I'm linking to is the one where Severus meets Dumbles at the 'afterlife trainstation'. Severus finds that the trainstation is not *his* Hell, but Dumbledores...

Another artist who picked up on the 'the baby is there to torment/test Dumbledore' idea is Didodikali. She wrote the brilliant illustrated fic 'Station 9.9999999':

Next, a few oldies but goodies. These were written before DH, back in the time we could still hope that JKR was a reasonable normal woman with real, honest to God normal about what constitutes a good hero and consequently a good story.
First, there is Delaine's 'Of Ordinary Wizards':
This is how DH *should* have been.

Next, there is 'The Brewer' (in 9 chapters), by Josan:
Snape has been released from Azkaban, but banished. Charlie Weasley offers him a job in the Romanian Dragon Reserve. Severus slowly heals. Excellent story!!

There are a few others I'd like to recommend, but I'll save those for next week. Enjoy!

Friday Fic Rec: On the Dynamics of an Asteroid

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Original poster: geri_chan

There was a discussion on this thread about Holmes/Watson fic, so I thought a Snupin fic with a bit of unrequited Holmes/Watson would be a good rec for today.

Title: On the Dynamics of an Asteroid
Author: Ellid
Pairing: Snape/Lupin, Holmes/Watson (unrequited)
Rating: R
Summary: The last Death Eater has a cunning plan. Remus and Severus must travel to the past to stop her.
Warning: Torture, some rather disgusting obstetrical/alchemical details
Archived at: Moonshadow. They request that people link only to the warning on the home page since it contains explicit fics, but the story can easily be found by an author or title search.

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