
November 15th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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November 15th, 2007

Introducing Creative Meta?

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Original poster: sylvanawood

One of the rules on the community is: no fanfiction or fan art, reccing should be on Fridays. I made this rule, because I want this community to be focussed on Snape-related discussion (more or less), and I see on other comms that posting fics and arts quickly becomes the main focus. However, I want this community also used as a writer's resource, and I think creative meta could fit into that context.

I, personally, liked the idea to use fiction to discuss a theory for quite some time now, and I always liked to pack my own theories about the books (pre DH) into my fics, rather than into an essay, because you have more freedom to explore possibilities. So I would be inclined to introduce and include the concept of 'Creative Meta' on the community. It should be gen, not longer than 1000 words, and open to critical discussion (of the content, not the style). It should focus on a Snape-related theme/thory.

Is that interesting for the rest of you, too, or should I just stuff it?


And the naming procedure: ETA: I updated the list

You've made it quite clear that you don't want to give me my moment of dictatorship – blast! ;)
Alas, you want to vote yourself, so be it, then. We'll leave the old poll up as announced, until Sunday. Then I'll post a new one. And we continue with a shoot-out after that with the names that get most votes. Last name standing, so to speak. I will make a cut-off point of five votes for each name. Every name that gets less than five votes in the polls is out. The others go back in. I give you until the end of the running poll (Nov. 18th, midnight) to add new names to the suggestions here.

Severus tells me that he finds our activities rather suspicious and watches us closely.

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