
November 3rd, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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November 3rd, 2007

a rec from me for Friday-

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Original poster: mary_j_59

Okay - I am not sure if this is actually fiction, but I just had to recommend the not-comic Sydpad is not drawing on her livejournal. Her resurrection scenario is very similar to the one I'd imagined, but where she goes next is - shall we say - much darker. Here is a link to the first page:

Once you are over at her journal, take a look for the "Slytherin Kids". The expressions on those young faces are wonderful.

Severus Snape: More Snark than Dark

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Original poster: bohemianspirit

Having written this for my personal journal, I thought some of you on this group might enjoy it as well as my f-list. (Edited from original to remove fic-pimping.)

I was talking to my sister [info]jemby just a little while ago, and we were discussing interpretations of the character of Severus Snape: what his core personality is, versus the accretions of life experience, as lived in the canon story. All very useful stuff to consider when writing an AU Life of Severus!

Anyway, in the course of discussion, in which Jemby and I discussed the relationship of Severus Snape to Teh Dark Side, his motivations for interest in Teh Dark Artz, and so on, we both agreed that yes, he had a sarcastic streak that would emerge even under the best life circumstances, but being a sardonic observer of human stupidity is a far cry from being Teh Eeeeevul loving Teh Dark because it is Teh Dark. And I said, "He's really more snark than dark."


Well, not literally. Rather, she laughed, repeated, "More snark than dark!" and told me I must hang on to that phrase, that it encapsulates perfectly the "shadow" side of Severus Snape. Not evil, just jaded by the insufferable stupidity surrounding him.

Of course, there will always be those who prefer the Dark to the Snark. But that's not the man we see in the books, and frankly, a fundamentally good guy with a strong streak of sardonic wit is a hell of a lot more interesting than some Gothic Villain caricature--even if he does wear all black. ;-) But so do I, and I'm not evil. Honest.

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