
August 2nd, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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Welcome to Snapedom!
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This community is mostly unmoderated. Read the rules and more in "About Snapedom."

No fanfic or art posts, but you can promote your fanfic and fanart, or post recommendations, every Friday.


August 2nd, 2007

Our very own Brit List

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Original poster: sylvanawood

As a resource for authors on this community, we would like to compile a list of British idioms/phrases/cultural information to aid non-Brits in their writing within the Potterverse.  Feel free to post any questions you may have; there's bound to be someone lurking around who will be able to answer them.  We will add all contributions to the list.  Links to existing British/American lists and relevant communities will also be included.

 The brit list will be compiled, maintained and updated by

[info]melusin_79, who is British. She agreed to become a fellow maintainer on snapedom to help me with this. Thank you, [info]melusin_79!


The Friday Rec

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Original poster: sylvanawood

Friday, August 3rd will be our first rec day when you can plug your own fanfic and fanart, or that of your friends.

Why Friday, and not every day?
I would like this comm to be mainly focussed on Snape-related discussion together with some writers’ resources. I think more frequent reccing of fics and art would detract from that focus. But we all like to read good fic, new fic and see new art, icons, videos or whatever else you and your friends create. Thus the special rec day; people can get used to it, collect recs over the week and post and read them on Fridays. And with the weekend at hand, you'll have new stories to read.

The Friday Rec

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Original poster: sylvanawood

Friday, August 3rd will be our first rec day when you can plug your own fanfic and fanart, or that of your friends.

Why Friday, and not every day?
I would like this comm to be mainly focussed on Snape-related discussion together with some writers’ resources. I think more frequent reccing of fics and art would detract from that focus. But we all like to read good fic, new fic and see new art, icons, videos or whatever else you and your friends create. Thus the special rec day; people can get used to it, collect recs over the week and post and read them on Fridays. And with the weekend at hand, you'll have new stories to read.

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