
If we carry through on the racism/prejudice equivalency...

The World of Severus Snape

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If we carry through on the racism/prejudice equivalency...

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If we carry through on the racism/blood prejudice equivalency... 

was James Potter a racist of the worst order? Think back to the Snape's Worst Memory scene.  Remember when Lily asks James just what Severus ever did to him?  The reply from James was, "it's more the fact that he exists if you know what I mean. . ."    Most people, IMO, interpret that to mean the bully's "natural" prey instinct had kicked in, but what if we are going to carry through on the claim that anti-Muggle and Muggleborn prejudice is equivalent to racism. 

These boys were born in 1960, and it was not until 1967 that Loving v. Virginia struck down anti-miscegenation laws in the US.   Ahhh, you say, stop trying to apply American standards and baggage to Brits.  So let's look at Rowling's model:  Anti-miscegenation laws were enforced in Nazi Germany.  They  were also enforced in South Africa between 1949 and 1985.   So....was Snape's existence the result of a violation of the law?  How many half-bloods did we see in the Marauder era?   And even if it's not illegal, was it considered shameful by a large segment of the Wizarding population?  No, it wasn't by Harry's time, but mores change.  Is that part of what James meant when he said it was that Severus existed?  He added "if you know what I mean", which is the nod-nod, wink-wink of a racist, roughly equivalent to the loaded statements characters in Seinfeld used to make about homosexuals,  always followed up with the tag line:  "Not that there's anything wrong with that."  (nod, nod, wink, wink).  It's also the shrug and eye-roll that accompanies many whites'  comments about Native Americans, with the apparent idea that they can imply the most outrageously racist things, and it doesn't count  because they trail off towards the end.  But their buddies all know what they meant, so they're covered either way.

I can almost hear the howls of outrage.  ;-)  You idiot, they say, he was married to LILY, the ultimate poster child for Muggle-borns.  But...

How many friends did James Potter have who were not pureblood?  I mean friends, as opposed to hangers-on or sycophants.   We know he was married to Lily, obviously.  Which means that he made an exception for his own behavior, not uncommon at all for bigots.  And yes, he "befriended" Lupin the werewolf in school.  But how much did he do after school, when Lupin was not a dorm-mate and, later, a prefect in a position to choose between admiring them or blowing the whistle on Sirius and him?   Rowling said in her interviews post-DH that James was independently wealthy, which allowed James and Sirius not to worry about having jobs, so they could "work" for the Order full-time.  Note that she does not include Lupin in James' largesse, which according to her extended to James' wife and Sirius, who just happened to be pure-blooded.

  • >>J/S/L are good threesome fic material, and I think there's a decent likelihood that Harry is Sirius' illegitimate child. They didn't dedicate their lives to "fight Voldemort;" they dedicated their lives to supporting the status quo. That included avoiding any extremist "pureblood" movement that might get rid of the "lesser people" who idolize them. Without muggleborns and halfbloods, who would they have to feel superior to? <<<

    Ohhh... Good point!!

    Somebody write a fic about this, please!
    • I never thought of that kind of fic, but I agree it does sound interesting. All Lily needed was some kind of charm to have her child look like her husband. Harry can find some unsigned love letter to Sirius, and starts to think how that hand writing looks familiar. He forgets about it for a while. Then other things start happening. The big shocker is the Reguls is alive, but why won’t Grimmual place go to him…
      • Forget Severitus, let's go Siritus challenge?
      • As fun as that sounds, I was really hoping of a fic where it was made clear that James, Sirius and Lily were really fighting to keep the status quo because 'without muggleborns and halfbloods, who would look up to them?'
        Lily does come across as a girl who, when she was eight or nine, would dream of marrying Prince Andrew (or something like that) and be rich and never having to work and be pretty all day and people loving her for no other reason than she being a princess and pretty. No wonder she falls for James (even before SWM) because James is the posterchild of Young, Rich and Spoilt. If he was muggle, he'd be racing cars in Monte Carlo and play the 'highroller' in casinos. So is Sirius, btw. Rebels without a cause, born with a silver spoon in their mouths and sneering at anything that wasn't in their 'class'.
        Mind you, they don't sound like the aristocracy, who at least teach their children the responsibilities of their position (note; perhaps it was these responsibilties as oldest scion of an old family that Sirius rebelled against. His parents wanted to groom him in the future Head of the Family - he just 'wanted to have fun')

        So, Lily indeed sounds like she indeed wanted to marry into riches, and she would therefore have an invested interest in keeping the status quo, with the Potters firmly on top. Maybe this is why Snape the impoverished Halfblood became a DE; maybe he did want to topple those bloody Potters and Blacks and Establish A New Order blah blah *insert youthful bitterness and ideology phrases which we all spouted when we were sixteen and of which we are embarressed twenty years later*

        So, any takers for a fanfic where James talks ever so condenscending about muggles (his inlaws for instance) and Lily basking - much as her son would one day - in her position of Mrs Potter, in her 'fairytale princess' marriage to 'the moste eligible bachelor of Hogwarts and her 'tragedy' of being who she is (the mother of the prophecised child)
        Something in me tells me she would sooo love the attention.
        A love triangle with Sirius would be fun, but not really necessary. But fun.
        • So, any takers for a fanfic where James talks ever so condenscending about muggles...

          Heh, we have that one already. It was auctioned off for 25,000 pounds.

          And the other one about the three of them being themselves and utterly irresponsible -- well, we've got a fanfic that fits the bill, a 800-word prequel written much more eloquently and with a way more morally integral message (not to mention way more heroic hero) IMHO, over at 800_words:

          Sorry, I should stop with the snark :P But the fics there are a very nice read, cleansing your palate of glorified rich punk rockers.
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