
Snape's 'Other Women'

The World of Severus Snape

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Snape's 'Other Women'

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This should be good. ;) First a bit of canon . . . US Ed. p.740-1

"Snape's Patronus was a doe," said Harry, "the same as my mother's, because he loved her for nearly all of his life, from the time when they were children. You should have realized," he said as he saw Voldemort's nostrils flare, "he asked you to spare her life, didn't he?"

"He desired her, that was all," sneered Voldemort, "but when she had gone, he agreed that there were other women, and of purer blood, worthier of him-"

"Of course, he told you that," said Harry, "but he was Dumbledore's spy from the moment you threatened her, . . . "

I do think Voldemort has it wrong-even if Snape loved Lily obsessively, I believe he loved her as best as he was able. But Harry may have over simplified things and probably the truth lies between.

So who were these other women? Girlfriends? One night stands? Did they even exist? I just noticed for the first time that Voldemort said "he agreed that there were other women." That leaves quite a bit of wiggle room.

I would ask that we stick to canon-yes, yes, we all know he was shagging Lupin or waiting for Hermione to come of age :P but for the purposes of this discussion, please leave your favorite ship at the door.
  • Harry isn't,Ron surely isn't

    What makes you think so? I especially don't get where the "surely" is coming from. Harry sounds downright striking with his black hair and greener than green eyes, especially once he grew into his looks, which happens before HBP as Hermione makes sure to let us know. Ron is brother to sex on legs Bill and Ginny, and there is generally no reason to assume any of the Weasley children is lacking in hotness. He has Hermione, Lavender and in OotP Luna after him and in the case of Luna and Lavender it really can't have been his awesome personality. He is tall, red haired, freckled, blue eyed, sporty and has a long nose. Which of this attributes strikes you as "surely" unattractive? (Especially while still admitting that Bill used to look good)

    I'm way off topic but I'm really not sure how you got to this assumption.

    I believe Snape is ugly attractive. I don't imagine that he would be described as normal or average too often. His face is too thin and his features are rather extreme (the nose etc), so you can call him ugly for it if you hate him, but it's not the kind of ugly that is universally considered unsexy (like a wonky eye, huge tear sacs, generally hanging skin, a red potato nose, huge lips and a big hairy mole - ahem, this is too much fun, this can't be good for my karma). So I believe there is a reason that people lust after Snape and not for example Slughorn, but it's definitely not Snape being average. The same would be true on a smaller scale in Snape's ... real .... fictional environment.
    • I didn't mean that Snape IS average.But on a scale between "highly attractive" and "ugly" he would range in the middle,I think.
      As to Ron.....mmh...I always imagined him to be rather unattracting.Nice,funny,yes, but not at all handsome.Maybe it's because in real life I never met a good-looking AND redhaired male.
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