
Snape's 'Other Women'

The World of Severus Snape

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Snape's 'Other Women'

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This should be good. ;) First a bit of canon . . . US Ed. p.740-1

"Snape's Patronus was a doe," said Harry, "the same as my mother's, because he loved her for nearly all of his life, from the time when they were children. You should have realized," he said as he saw Voldemort's nostrils flare, "he asked you to spare her life, didn't he?"

"He desired her, that was all," sneered Voldemort, "but when she had gone, he agreed that there were other women, and of purer blood, worthier of him-"

"Of course, he told you that," said Harry, "but he was Dumbledore's spy from the moment you threatened her, . . . "

I do think Voldemort has it wrong-even if Snape loved Lily obsessively, I believe he loved her as best as he was able. But Harry may have over simplified things and probably the truth lies between.

So who were these other women? Girlfriends? One night stands? Did they even exist? I just noticed for the first time that Voldemort said "he agreed that there were other women." That leaves quite a bit of wiggle room.

I would ask that we stick to canon-yes, yes, we all know he was shagging Lupin or waiting for Hermione to come of age :P but for the purposes of this discussion, please leave your favorite ship at the door.
  • how can a man who was betrayed so bitterly by someone who's suppose to be the good and protecting side go and... risk himself by being expose again?

    Er... Snape can't bear having a girlfriend because Dumbeldore forced him to betray the DEs? Indirectly maybe, his role as a spy and his continued focus on Lily (as enforced by DD as well) made it near impossible for him to start a life with a woman, but it was not out of fear that said woman would manipulate him in the direction of good decisions as DD did in your two examples.

    Snape stood by his decisions, and he sure didn't hold them against Dumbeldore. (I can't believe you hold them against him, actually. It's not that great to be a Death Eater, you know?) He did continue to be more open with Dumbeldore than with most, if not all, other people in his life, so 'being burned by DD' as a reason for being solitary doesn't work.
    • test 123
    • (Anonymous)
      no, I took those two huge examples because I can say they changes snape's life for sure - I could have chosen almost any other scene from this chapter and show you that Snape was harmed by showing his feeling.

      Snape can't bear having a girlfriend because he learnt that showing his feeling is something that would hurt him. and we know from the fifth book that Snape had chosen to deal with it by not showing his feelings - the fact that he was madly in love\ obssesed by lily's memory is one thing, the fact that he's too good at hiding his own feelings is another thing.

      and both of it leads me to that point - I don't think that Snape has "other woman"

      ( just like I don't belive I'll ever write here on my LJ name, shame, I really love my icon ;-) )
      • Did logging in not work for you again this morning? I saw you did a test post. *scratches head* I'll try to see if I can figure out some step by step directions because you certainly aren't the only one posting from lj.
        • no :-(

      • I think those two were the worst examples you could have chosen. He didn't feel betrayed in these instances or even hurt by what Dumbledore said or did at those times(not that Dumbledore wasn't an arse at all, Snape just had far more important problems that random rudeness - and I really don't think Dumbledore was an arse to ask Snape to protect Harry instead of killing himself, as you implied), so they had nothing to do with him hiding his emotions. As I already said, it is obvious that Snape wasn't inspired to hide his feelings by DD's behavior, because he continued to be extremely open with Dumbledore. It's more like he couldn't stop showing his true feelings to the headmaster.

        There are instances in which Snape feels betrayed by Dumbledore, but they happen far later, at the end of PoA and especially during HBP (You have used me!).
        • (Anonymous)
          no, I didn't mean he was betrayed by it - I meant he was hurt by it.

          that's the difference.
          and I never implied that Snape should have killed himself - D cut off the natural steps of mourning for Snape. instead of letting him mourn her, accept that she was gone and go on with his life - D ties him to her son on the worst place and time ( maybe for the greater good, maybe for doing the right thing, maybe because Snape would never have done it otherwise - but all those reason doesn't turn it to the right thing to do).
          • Whether you think it was right has nothing to do with your claim that Snape was hiding his emotions from other people as to avoid *something like that* happening again, which doesn't make any sense in canon.
      • Sorry for just butting in. Can't you get your name with ij? It's free, you don't even need to post on your ij, but you can upload your icons and have a name.
        If that's too much bother, I'd merely ask you to sign your posts with a name, so we know which Anonymous you are. Like raisin_gal does. 'Anonymous 128.x.x.x wrote...' is a bit awkward to quote. ;)
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