Snape Obsessed

May 18th, 2008

04:43 pm - [info]sweetmelodykiss - LMoM: Final Offer

Title: Final Offer
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash
Summary: A series of 31 interrelated drabbles, chronicling the courtship of Severus Snape.
Word Count: 3100
Written for the LMoM.
Kinks/Warnings: Mild bondage, spanking, object insertion, fisting, cross-dressing, bestiality, and anything else I could think of.
Disclaimer: I do not own them. All are owned by JKR.
Note: This is my all in one shot offering for the [info]pervy_werewolf’s LMoM Challenge.

Final Offer
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