Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

November 1st, 2007

03:22 am - [info]regasssa - FIC: PG-13 - The Puffin

Title: The Puffin
Author: regasssa
Type: Fiction
Length: 645 words
Pairings: gen
Warnings: mention of masturbation and puffin voyeurism
Rating: PG-13 for using the word 'masturbation' and possible puffin voyeurism
Summary: From the prompt: Snape changes into his animagus form and gets stuck.

Read more... )

06:40 pm - [info]auctasinistra - Fic post

First off, I apologize for sucking in the ability-to-finish-on-deadline department, and thank the mods for being kind. Secondly, this is part one of my challenge fic, which will, God willing and the creek don’t rise, be followed in due course by parts two and three, possibly four, as soon as I can get them done. Again, my apologies that this is as close as I could get to meeting the deadline (and for that matter interpreting the prompt).
Title: Nine-Tenths of the Law
Author: Aucta Sinistra
Type: Fiction
Length: Approximately 15,000 words
Pairings: Snape/Harry (with a side order of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione offscreen)
Warnings: This is an extremely loose interpretation of the prompt, "Snape leaves Harry something that not even Hermione can identify." Oh – and it’s AU, something I never thought I’d have to say about one of my stories.
Rating: NC-17
Summary:  Um … how about "Snape leaves Harry something that not even Hermione can identify"?
Link goes to my IJ.
Thanks to [info]perfica for reading it over for me.
"Nine-Tenths of the Law"

07:59 pm - [info]meri_oddities - Chances Are - Harry & Snape (pre-slash)

Title: Chances Are
Author: Meri
Length: 2900 words
Pairings: Pre-slash
Prompt: Snape's New Career
Warnings: none
Series: It could have sequels in the future, but not for this fest
Summary: A chance meeting holds the promise of something more.
Notes: I wish to thank anyone who is willing to beta this: [info]regan_v, [info]leni_jess, and [info]bethbethbeth.

Chances Are

For a while, I wasn't sure I was going to make it. But I'm getting this in just under the wire.


08:40 pm - [info]darkshimmer - Fic: "The More Things Change" {G+, genfic}

Title: The More Things Change . . .
Author: [info]darkshimmer
Type: Fiction
Prompt: Severus forced out of post-DH seclusion to give testimony
Length: Short story, approximately 3,500 words in this chapter. Approximately 6,450 words in total.
Pairings: None. This is genfic.
Warnings: A dash of salty language
A/N: Thanks to [info]karbunkle for her editor's eye and helpful suggestions. All remaining errors are my own. Written for the [info]snape_after_dh fest
Disclaimer: The 'Harry Potter' series is the creation of J.K. Rowling, with subsidiary rights belonging to Bloomsbury, Raincoast, Scholastic, Warner Bros., etc. This story was written solely for entertainment purposes, and I've earned no profit from it.

Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2

08:46 pm - [info]slythwolf - Fic: All Was Well or What Really Happened

Title: All Was Well or What Really Happened
Author: [info]slythwolf
Link: here on IJ; also mirrored at GJ and JF
Type: Fiction
Length: 5,000 words
Pairings: It's mostly gen; there are a few pairings implied, but I'd like them to remain a surprise. Mostly het, for a wonder.
Warnings: Slight blood and language.
Series: Ties into my OC series, The Lilith Davis Chronicles, which has not been finished yet. Also poised to launch a series of AS/S sequels (which may have some Severus/OC or Severus/crossover character) when the LDChron are finished.
Rating: PG
Summary: What really happened? Well, the way of things is this: what happens in a story is what the reader believes happens. So that an author can tell the readers, this character is not a hero, and the readers can know she's wrong. In much the same way, the way it ends is the way the reader believes it ends. What lives and breathes about a story does so in the reader's heart. Here is what lives and breathes in mine.
Notes: A sort of companion piece to my post-OotP fic 'All Dogs Go' and to my first post-DH fic 'The Death of Rats'. Therefore, shades of Discworld. For unrelated reasons, shades of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Written for [info]snape_after_dh. Prompt: 'The epilogue that should have been.'
Disclaimer: Fair use. Don't sue me; if you take my money, how will I pay for my wedding?

09:12 pm - [info]tarteaucitron

title: Faint Indirections
author: [info]tarteaucitron
link: faint indirections
type: fiction
length: 11,500 words
pairings: Neville/Percy, Snape/Potter – sort of
rating: pg-13

summary: written for the prompt: Professor Neville Longbottom converses with Severus Snape’s portrait. Neville finds himself accidentally curator of miscreant plants and portraits. He’d much rather be having a nice cup of tea in the greenhouse.

10:12 pm - [info]snape_dh_mod - Snape After DH Fest Wrap-Up

It's Nov. 1st and the Fest is drawing to a close. So many of you have poured out last-second contributions today.

We're stunned and delighted by the outpouring of stories and art here, and we want to thank ALL contributors for their gifts to the Fest and to Snape fandom. The fest has succeeded beyond our hopes, and it's due to your participation and creativity.

A note about late contributions: it's true that the Fest officially ends tonight at midnight. But we always said that posts that went up a few days late were neither here nor there. So, if you have something you're still working on, you should feel free to post it later this week.

At some point (probably mid-November) we will make up the Fest Master List. That truly is the cut-off date for being included in the Master List. You can always post something here later on, but we might not get a chance to include it in the Master List. The need for a cut-off date for compiling the list is the main reason to have an end-date deadline for posting.

But for the next few days, feel free to keep the stories and art coming. And thank you, all of you.

Truly, fanfiction is afterlife. Severus Snape deserved So Much More.

And we gave it to him. Thank you.
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