Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

October 31st, 2007

04:17 am - [info]quill_lumos - A Second Chance at Life

Title: A Second Chance At Life
Author: quill lumos
Type: Fiction
Length: i.e. Short story, (which has the potential to become the first part of a series - 4,403 words).
Pairings: Gen
Warnings: None
Series: Not decided yet but probably
Rating: U.S.PG-13.
Summary: (prompt) “Remorse at the time of death (as Albus said) might change the results.” As Severus lies dying he wishes that he had been able to do things differently. A certain ex-headmaster cannot help interfering, even from beyond the grave.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter, related nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. It all belongs to JK Rowling. Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Brothers and any other entity involved.
Notes: This story was going to be a one shot about Severus’ ghost. But I couldn’t finish that story. I don’t want Sev to be dead, so when I got bitten by a rapid plot bunny I wrote this instead. This story is canon compliant and could even fit with the epilogue, if Harry had left some things unsaid. It does have the potential to become a chaptered fic or a series, so watch this space.

Written for the [info]snape_after_dh challenge.

Thanks to Claudia for betaing and being your wonderful, supportive self.

This story is dedicated to [info]mystkyten because she is wonderful!

This story is also posted at my journal.

A Second Chance At Life. )

04:42 pm - [info]gin_tonic

Title: Brooms and Wine
Author: [info]gin_tonic
Type: Fiction
Length: 2931 words
Pairings: Snape/Harry
Prompt: Phoenix Tears

Warnings: None
Series: No
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Years have passed and a lot has changed for Harry. Only one thing always stayed the same: His need to find out what happened to Snape.
When Harry goes to France to finish a job he finds more than he had reckoned.
Notes: Thanks to my beta [info]angela_snape! You manage to spot even the tiny mistakes!

Brooms and Wine )

10:36 pm - [info]abigail89 - Fic: PG-Portraiture

Title: Portraiture
Author: Hysterical Hystorian (aka [info]abigail89)
Type: Fiction
Length: Short story (3,067 words)
Pairings/Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall
Warnings: some angst
Rating: PG
Summary/Challenge: Harry has his first conversation with Severus’s and Dumbledore’s portraits. Written directly to the challenge (which did NOT lend itself to a pairing or smut. Sorry.)
Disclaimer: 'Harry Potter' belongs to J.K.Rowling. I'm only allowing them to have fun. No money is being made; no disrespect is intended.
Notes: This is the first part of Harry’s return to Hogwarts at the behest of Headmistress McGonagall. The second part will be Harry’s private conversation with Severus Snape’s portrait. There will be smut. :D

Portraiture )

11:17 pm - [info]daughter_moon - FIC: for prompt 'Snape and McGonagall during Snape's entire year as Headmaster'

Title: Letters of a Changing History
Author: [info]daughter_moon
Type: Fiction
Length: 829 words
Pairings: gen
Warnings: implied canon death
Rating: G
Summary: An exchange of letters between friends turned enemies turned forgiven friends again.
Notes: Not beta’d – sorry. For the prompt Snape and McGonagall during Snape’s entire year as Headmaster.

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