Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

October 18th, 2007

03:49 pm - [info]orpheus_samhain - FIC: "Ghost" by Orpheus Samhain (Lily/Severus, G)

Title: Ghost
Author: [info]orpheus_samhain
Beta: adoring
Pairings: Lily/Severus
Rating: G
Word count: ~2,500
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: JKR's, not mine
Summary: They say that death ends all earthly sufferings. What if it offers nothing in return? What if it was all you had?
Author's Note: Written for LJ community fanfic100, prompt 100: Writer's Choice (Ghost) and also for [info]snape_after_dh.

08:26 pm - [info]shannon730 - (fic) healing (snape, hermione)

Rather than spamming you guys with each part of it today...I'm just posting links to all of it at once on my fic journal.

Title: Healing
Author: Shannon
Type: Fiction
Length: 10,906
Pairings: Snape, Hermione
Rating: G
Prompt: Snape survives Nagini's bite, but suffers some permanent impairment. How does he cope with everything?

Prologue & Part 1

Parts 2 & 3

Parts 4 & 5

Parts 6 & 7

Parts 8 & 9
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