Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

October 17th, 2007

09:09 am - [info]pasi - FIC: War Dead, PG-13

Title: War Dead
Author: Pasi
Type: Fiction
Length: ~3900 Words
Pairings: Severus/Lily, though that's not the whole story.
Warnings: See title and summary.
Series: No
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: The Shrieking Shack
Summary: Things didn't turn out quite the way Severus had planned.
Notes: Quotes and paraphrases scattered liberally throughout. Most of these are from the Scholastic editions of the Harry Potter books.

War Dead )

11:17 am - [info]blpaintchart - Fic: The Best Stays of Our Lives.

Title:  The Best Stays of Our Lives.
Author:  blpaintchart
Type:  Fiction
Length:  3000 words approx
Pairings:  SS/RL  HP/GW
Rating:  R
Summary:  Written for the prompt "The not-so-posthumous Order of Merlin."
Is it true that our heroes owe their lives to their cross-dressing kink?  Corset is!
Notes:  Thanks and scrummy Snapely kisses to my lovely assistant westernredcedar, for knocking this into shape.

07:47 pm - [info]joanwilder - FIC: Last Train Runnin'

Title: Last Train Runnin'
Author: [info]joanwilder aka RaeWhit
Type: Fiction
Length: 8900 words
Beta: [info]jadzialove
Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape. Gen-fic
Warnings: None.
Series: No
Rating: G
Summary: Prompt: After death, Snape finds himself in a world where Harry, not Lily, is the first magical person he meets.
Notes: No, not a Snarry, although I'm working on one now. As always, thanks to the great and powerful Oz behind the curtains--my friend and fellow Snarry author, [info]jadzialove.

Last Train Runnin' )

10:24 pm - [info]blpaintchart - Art: When I said 'Anything'...

Title:  When I said 'Anything'...
Artist:  blpaintchart
Type:  Art
Warnings:  Cross-dressing kink, drawn badly.
Rating:  PG
Summary:  Drawn for the prompt "And what will you give me in return, Severus?"...."Anything."
Notes:  I wanted this to be a humourous picture, to reveal Albus' naughty side, see what he might have wanted from our hero.  However,  I seemed to forget that I'm not very good at art, so when I attempted it, the picture became a bit more cacky and disturbing than I intended.  I apologise in advance, and shall stick with writing crack!fic in the future.  :)

Trouble with uploading the pic, on this for my fake cut to LJ!

10:25 pm - [info]skree_ratling - Fic: Severus Snape - this was your life!

Title: Severus Snape, this was your life!
Author: skree-ratling
Type: Fiction
Length: 1600ish words.
Pairings: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: character-death. Slightly cracky, perhaps. M/M implied but not explicit in any sense [sorry].
Rating: PG for 'Adult Themes' and Snape being too annoyed to watch his language.

Notes: Remember the show 'This is Your Life'? Yeah, that's the first thing I thought of when I saw the prompt "Severus Snape: A life."
Quotes taken from DH33 'The Prince's Tale', and PA14 'Snape's Grudge'.
Thanks to Joules for the beta!

Summary: Soooo, he's dead. Now what?

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