Snape 100


April 9th, 2019

ellid @ 07:41 am: Title: Fyre, Fyre! II
Prompt: Fyre Festival
Word Count: 100
Note: It’s also yet another Motherless Child ficlet, because I can’t seem to quit those two no matter how much I try. This one mainly concerns Severus’ Muggle relatives.

“What did I tell you about entering Internet contests?” Gemma snatched the phone away from her daughter. “That Fyre thing – “

“It’s a music festival, Mum!” Alison, still muddy from play, was close enough that Severus could all but see the power speaking about her. “In the Bahamas! It’s – “

“For adults.” Gemma swiped to a picture of cavorting Muggles listening to the hideous bawling called “rap.” “You’re ten years old!”

“You can come too!” Alison cried. “You said you and Dad needed a holiday!”

“Darling – “

The phone shorted out, along with every other electrical item in the room.

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