Snape 100


April 8th, 2019

ellid @ 07:38 am: Title: Fyre, Fyre! I
Prompt: Fyre Festival
Word Count: 100
Note: It’s also yet another Motherless Child ficlet, because I can’t seem to quit those two no matter how much I try. This one mainly concerns Severus’ Muggle relatives.

Jonny nearly thirteen, which scarcely qualified as “little,” but this was not the time to be pedantic.

“We were wondering when you’d ask.” Severus looked over at Remus, who nodded. “This will sound unbelievable, but – “

“Sev. She ran across the pitch last week and didn’t touch the ground. Donny didn’t notice but I did. So did her coach.” Gemma took a shuddering breath. “What’s going on? Is this a disease? Are you – not human? Is she?”

“We’re all – “

Alison burst into the room, waving her phone. “Mum! I won the contest! It’s a pass to the Fyre Festival!”

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