Snape 100


January 6th, 2019

alisanne @ 03:22 pm: Challenge #775: "Snape and The Society for Tolerance of Vampires"
Challenge 775: Snape and The Society for the Tolerance of Vampires

My apologies for missing last week's prompt post! With all the havoc surrounding the holidays, your mod forgot, and by the time I remembered it was too late.

Anyway, we're back, happy new year, and we'll continue our exploration of Snape and various societies.
As it says on the tin, this society advocates for a better relationship between humans and vampires. Since some believe Snape is a vampire, would he have anything to do with this group, or would he avoid them? However you see it, this week we discuss Snape and The Society for the Tolerance of Vampires.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

Current Mood: thoughtful
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