Snape 100


January 7th, 2019

ellid @ 07:47 am: Title: It's a Family Affair, VII
Challenge: Society for the Tolerance of Vampires
Word Count: 100

“She could get a job,” Theophrastus said later that night, just as Aradia was falling asleep. “A job in our world. She wouldn't need the Muggle and - “

“Theo. She married him and had his child.” Aradia rolled over to face him. “She isn't going to leave him, at least not immediately.”

“The Society for the Tolerance of Vampires needs a clerk. Our girl would be perfect for it.” Theophrastus propped himself on one elbow. “She could stay here, we could look after her Squib – I mean son, and - “

“Silencio!” cried Aradia.

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