Snape 100


May 3rd, 2018

ellid @ 07:33 am: Title: Aptitude Test, IX
Challenge: sales executive
Word Count: 100
Note: “fag” is a term used in British boarding schools for a younger student who waits on an older student. No insult is meant.

“Groveling?” Lucius straightened. “Groveling? I - “

“Taught me a great many valuable lessons,” Severus finished. It was almost time for tea, which her ladyship always took alone. “I am, of course, grateful for your tutelage.”

Lucius' face darkened, and for one awful moment it looked as if he were about to make a scene. Severus remained impassive – he might not be a sales executive but he did know how to conceal his emotions – and waited for him to calm. “The ladies should be done momentarily. May I offer you refreshment?”

Lucius glared. “No, thank you.”

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