Snape 100


May 2nd, 2018

ellid @ 07:26 am: Title: Aptitude Test, VIII
Challenge: sales executive
Word Count: 100
Note: “fag” is a term used in British boarding schools for a younger student who waits on an older student. No insult is meant.

“And so you went into service until of sales.” Lucius' fingers twitched as he positioned them on the handle of his cane. Severus tensed but from the way Lucius flicked his eyes down and to the side it was clear he was adjusting to not having an elf at his beck and call. “I confess to being surprised. You weren't exactly the best fag in Slytherin House.”

Severus ignored the insult – Lucius had not been an exemplary fag-master by any means – and smiled politely. “I prefer not to grovel in an office. Groveling at school was enough.”

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