Snape 100


March 29th, 2018

ellid @ 07:14 am: Title: The Buddy System, XXIII
Challenge: Resolution: work on vices
Word Count: 100

Remus, in a sweater that looked almost new, walked into Severus' office. He set down his cloak and took a good, long sniff.

“Severus? What – what is going on?”

“I decided to do some cleaning. It was long overdue, if certain rumors are true.” Severus murmured abstersi over his hands. “The elves found so many cobwebs in the storage closet I'm amazed Hagrid's pets hadn't colonized - “

“You washed your hair.” Remus's lips parted as he drew a good, long breath. “Why?”

“It was dirty.”

Remus blinked. “It was perfect. What have you done?”

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