Snape 100


March 30th, 2018

ellid @ 07:10 am: Title: The Buddy System, XXIV
Challenge: Resolution: work on vices
Word Count: 100

Severus blinked back. “'Perfect'? It was oily and - “

“You smelled wonderful.” Remus, eyes glowing slightly in the overhead lights, took a step toward Severus. His voice had dropped to a low, almost gravely growl. “So did your rooms. What were you thinking?”

“I - “ Was it the waxing moon that brought on the feral behavior? Or simply that Remus was disturbingly attractive when he was upset?” “I was made aware of certain – defects in hygiene and - “

“I'll be the judge of that,” said Remus, hands on Severus' shoulders. “Do you understand?”

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