Snape 100


January 31st, 2018

ellid @ 07:44 am: Title: The Hogwarts Faculty Book Club, III
Challenge: Resolution: Read more books
Word Count: 100

Normally the house elves provided food for faculty gatherings, but Granger insisted that this time participants bring a dish they'd made themselves. Of course this meant Hagrid's rock cakes (surreptitiously softened by a discreet charm from Filius), but it was a pleasant surprise to discover that Xiomara Hooch mixed an excellent sparkling punch and Septima Vector had learned to make savory little spinach pasties in her youth.

Even better was the list of books selected. Tolkien, Sayers, George Meredith and John Ruskin, the wizarding edition of Churchill, even an American or two – it promised to be an excellent year.

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