Snape 100


January 30th, 2018

ellid @ 07:42 am: Title: The Hogwarts Faculty Book Club, II
Challenge: Resolution: Read more books
Word Count: 100

The rest of the faculty agreed: there should be a book club. “A Squib cousin of mine joined one,” said Pomona Sprout. “She told me it helped her integrate into the Muggle world.”

And so the Hogwarts Faculty Book Club began, with the purpose of “promoting harmony and the restoration of a sense of teamwork amongst the teachers and staff after the late unpleasantness.” Acting Professor Granger and Potions Master Snape would be in charge of choosing the books, while Madame Sprout was charged with providing refreshment. The first meeting would be in one month, when they would be presented with the book list.

“I hope this works,” said Granger.

“Ditto,” said Severus.

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