Snape 100


February 1st, 2018

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: The Hogwarts Faculty Book Club, IV
Challenge: Resolution: Read more books
Word Count: 100

“Tolkien's use of magic is most, even for a Muggle,” said Septima Vector, snagging a biscuit.

“At least he's better than his friend Lewis,” squeaked Filius, who had of course read all the Inklings out of sheer curiosity. “The religiosity is most distressing, especially for non-Christians.”

“If you want distressing religiosity, try Charles Williams.” Severus had first read Tolkien the summer before his first term at Hogwarts, and had devoured it despite the vagueness of Gandalf's magical use. “He was a mystic.”

“Dear me, that's disappointing,” said Minerva, as the glasses clinked and the discussion continued.

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