Snape 100


September 10th, 2014

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: Protection, III
Challenge: Amycus Carrow
Word Count: 100

“Headmaster!” cried Amycus Carrow, a smear of blood from a Figwit's Axolotl garnishing his right eyebrow. “A word about the budget!”

“The budget?” Severus calmly took his seat at the Head Table and waited for the plates to fill with toast, bacon, and eggs. “It is more than adequate considering the decrease in the student body. The Governors are most pleased.”

“Oh, to be sure, but next year? We'll need texts on blood magic for the NEWTS, and - “

“We'll discuss it after breakfast, Carrow,” said Severus, attacking his boiled egg a touch too vigorously.

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