Snape 100


September 9th, 2014

ellid @ 07:41 am: Title: Protection, II
Challenge: Amycus Carrow
Word Count: 100

Severus could not prevent Amycus from running amok – he was both evil and stupid, never a good combination – but he could keep an eye on the man's students. The elves, the portraits, the castle itself – all monitored Carrow's interactions with the students, especially the youngest, and all reported to Severus alone.

That was why he started sending students the into the Forest for detentions.

Why he sent half-bloods abroad on “student exchanges” to Beauxbatons and Groom Lake.

Why the Muggleborns were expelled.

They hated him, called him a collaborator.

Better that than another dead child, he thought.

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